[Faculty] Interim COVID Dependent Care Modified Duties Program

Deborah Greene deborah.greene at ucr.edu
Tue Dec 1 14:23:06 PST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to UCR’s interim COVID Dependent Care Modified Duties Program.

To help address the impact of COVID-19 on faculty with dependent care responsibilities, the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and my office proposed a modification of existing policies, and, on November 30, 2020, received approval from UC Provost and Executive Vice President Michael Brown to implement the interim COVID Dependent Care Modified Duties Program as a temporary exception to policy (APM 760-28<https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/_files/apm/apm-760.pdf>).

Attached are the following documents:
Guidelines - this document provides information on the interim UCR COVID Dependent Care Modified Duties Program at UCR;
Request Form - this is the form to be used for faculty members who wish to request for the interim UCR COVID Dependent Care Modified Duties Program.

Requests will be evaluated on individual case‐by‐case basis to maximize helping the faculty member while also preserving the academic missions of the University.  Faculty who might be realizing this option is necessary for them are encouraged to talk with their chair and/or dean about their challenges and about the feasibility of this program for the eligibility period.

For questions or more information, please send an email to academicpersonnel at ucr.edu<mailto:academicpersonnel at ucr.edu>.


Daniel R. Jeske
Vice Provost, Academic Personnel
   & Professor of Statistics
Acting Vice Provost of Administrative Resolution
951-827-2304 phone
vpap at ucr.edu<mailto:vpap at ucr.edu>

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