[Faculty] CHASS Dean Search - Faculty Forums

Provost provost at ucr.edu
Tue Nov 10 17:22:46 PST 2020

Dear Faculty,

We are preparing to launch an international search for the next Dean of UCR's College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences (CHASS).  As part of this process, I invite you to participate in an open forum for faculty to provide input on the desired skills and attributes for the next CHASS Dean, and discuss the challenges and opportunities for this position.

The forums will be hosted by the Search Committee Chair, Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences & Dean of the School of Medicine, Deborah Deas, and the executive search firm Isaacson Miller.  We will be hosting two faculty forums:

Forum #1

Monday, November 16th

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

REGISTER HERE<https://ucr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0scOiqqDwqG9cVIdjEI-SkU_T5WOjGNddZ>

Forum #2

Friday, November 20th

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

REGISTER HERE<https://ucr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvduChqjkpGNEZj4kKFXD_JHEJlxVZj3pA>

Additional forums will be held in early December for staff and students and will be announced in the coming days.

If you are not able to attend either of these sessions, please email your comments or questions to UCRCHASS at imsearch.com<mailto:UCRCHASS at imsearch.com>.  Your willingness to provide feedback, along with input from other campus constituents, the search committee, and multiple references, helps to shape the overall picture and ideal candidate characteristics for this vital campus leadership position.

Throughout the search, up-to-date information will be posted on the Executive Searches website<https://provost.ucr.edu/chass-dean>. I anticipate a shortlist of candidates will be invited to campus in early spring.

I appreciate the commitment of the search committee members, and look forward to broad participation as we embark upon this important search.

Search Advisory Committee Members
Deborah Deas, Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences and Dean of the School of Medicine (Chair)
Sheila Bergman, Executive Director, UCR ARTS
Heidi Brevik-Zender, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature & Languages
Susan Brown, Director of Academic Personnel, CHASS
Rogério Budasz, Professor and Chair of Music
Steven Helfand, Professor and Chair of Economics
Jeanette Kohl, Associate Professor of Art History
David Lloyd, Professor and Chair of English
Yunhee Min, Professor and Chair of Art
Alyssa Marchan, ASUCR CHASS Senator and Undergraduate Student
Jennifer Nájera, Associate Professor and Chair of Ethnic Studies
Cuauhtémoc Peranda, Graduate Student in Dance
David Schaberg, Dean of Humanities, UCLA
Aaron Seitz, Professor of Psychology
Rodolfo Torres, Vice Chancellor for Research & Economic Development
Melissa Wilcox, Professor and Chair of Religious Studies

Best Regards,


Thomas M. Smith, Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
4148 Hinderaker Hall
University of California, Riverside
*: 951.827.1129 | *: provost at ucr.edu<mailto:provost at ucr.edu>

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