[Faculty] Call for 2022 University Honors Ignition Seminars and 2022/23 Honors elective courses

Honorsdirector honorsdirector at ucr.edu
Thu Feb 17 16:45:58 PST 2022

February 15, 2022

To:       UCR faculty members
From:   Richard A. Cardullo, Howard H Hays Jr. Chair, University Honors
Re:       Call for 2022 University Honors Ignition Seminars and 2022/23 Honors elective courses

Dear colleagues,
University Honors is currently soliciting applications for two different course opportunities:  First Year Ignition Seminars and Honors Elective Courses. These courses are a critical element of our programming and constitute a vital part of the honors curriculum. A description of these courses are given in the following paragraphs:
1. Ignition Seminars
Ignition seminars are small inter-disciplinary courses that are limited to fifteen first-year students from all schools and colleges. Depending on the specific topic that is chosen by the faculty member, Ignition seminars are interdisciplinary in nature and students receive breadth credit in either humanities (HNPG 16), social sciences (HNPG 17), or interdisciplinary studies (HNPG 18). Classes meet for 3 hours each week with an emphasis on reading the literature, oral presentations, essays, and papers to prepare them for the rigor of an honors education. Classes are generally repeatable only once but may serve as a testing ground for future UCR courses in other programs. Faculty members who are selected to teach an ignition seminar will receive a $5,000 stipend each year with student evaluations of teaching submitted to their home department.
To apply to teach an ignition seminar, please fill out an application with a brief description of your course at this address:
Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and decisions will be made no later than March 10, 2022.
2. Honors elective courses (H-courses)
University Honors students who are admitted into the program in their first or second year must take a minimum of eight units of Honors elective courses. These courses are taught within departments as either stand-alone courses or as special discussion/laboratory/performance sections within an existing course. Honors elective courses go into greater depth than a traditional undergraduate course and may include additional reading, writing assignments, or unique research or creative project opportunities. Faculty members who teach in these H-courses, receive teaching credit and revenue generated by those courses is directed to the department to be used at the discretion of the chair. University Honors is routinely looking for more of these courses and if you are interested please apply at this address:
As always, feel free to reach out to University Honors with any questions regarding our courses. You may contact either me at honorsdirector at ucr.edu<mailto:honorsdirector at ucr.edu>, or Dennis McIver at dennis.mciver at ucr.edu<mailto:dennis.mciver at ucr.edu>
Thank you for support of our students in University Honors.


Richard A. Cardullo, PhD
Howard H Hays Jr. Chair and Faculty Director, University Honors

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