[Faculty] Changes to iEval effective Winter 2022

Senate senate at ucr.edu
Tue Mar 8 14:30:42 PST 2022

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March 8, 2022

To:         All Faculty
Department Chairs and Program Directors

Re:         Changes to iEval effective Winter 2022

Dear Colleagues:

At the end of the 2020-2021 academic year an ad hoc Senate committee finished its report and recommendations on how we evaluate teaching at UCR. Comprised of Senate-nominated faculty, the committee began its work during the 2018-2019 academic year (full report available here<https://ucr-senate-public.s3.amazonaws.com/issues/20-21.%20CR.%20Ad%20Hoc%20Comm%20on%20Eval%20of%20Teach%20-%20report.pdf>). The completed report provided a two-phased approach to their recommendations.

Phase one recommendations were to be implemented as soon as possible and focused on making short-term changes to the structure of the form and the iEval reports and including a bias statement. Phase two recommendations focused on long-term issues related to the use of effective questions, improvements to implementation, and preparation for students and faculty for using the iEval tool and reports.

While Phase two recommendations are being addressed by the Student Evaluations of Teaching Implementation Committee, phase one recommendations will take effect in Winter 2022. These changes are:

  1.  The following statement on bias has been added to the iEval form for students:

Biased preconceptions may cause a person to be prejudiced for or against a person based on any number of personal characteristics, such as race, gender identity, age, and sexual orientation. You should make conscious efforts to overcome any tendency to be influenced by biases you may have and focus this evaluation of your instructor on their implementation of the course.

  1.  Question #5, "I normally spent at least two hours preparing for each hour of class," was removed. In its place, students are asked to acknowledge the bias statement by clicking a checkbox next to the following statement:

I acknowledge that I have read the above statements.

  1.  Department and campus comparative statistics have been removed from the iEval report produced for instructors.

The Phase one changes were implemented as a result of the ad hoc committee's recommendations and with the support of Senate Chair Jason Stajich, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Elizabeth Watkins, Vice Provost for Academic Personnel Dan Jeske, and Vice Chancellor and Chief Diversity Officer Mariam Lam. The revised iEval form is attached for you to review as well.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Associate Provost Ken Baerenklau<mailto:ken.baerenklau at ucr.edu> or Professor Yingbo Hua<mailto:yingbo.hua at ucr.edu> who are co-chairing the Teaching Evaluation Implementation Committee.


Jason Stajich
Chair of the Riverside Division

Elizabeth Watkins
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

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