[Faculty] UCR 2022-23 faculty salary program

Provost provost at ucr.edu
Thu May 12 15:05:48 PDT 2022

Dear Faculty,

I am writing to provide further detail about the UCR 2022-23 faculty salary program. It will include an increase to scale salaries, increases for both off-scale and above-scale salary components, the increases associated with merit and promotion advances, and a special salary equity program that is the first in quite some time at UCR. This program, approved by the UC President, is contingent upon the 5% allocation to the University of California currently in the State budget.

Special Faculty Salary Equity Program Adjustments:
I am very pleased to announce the implementation of a salary equity program in 2022-23 to bring all Senate ladder-rank faculty to within 3% of the expected median salary for their discipline, rank, and step (for more details, see below). These equity adjustments, for 213 faculty, or about one-third of our faculty, represent a central campus investment of $1,300,000.

Total Annual Adjustments to Faculty Salary Levels:
All Senate faculty will receive a UCR centrally-funded 4% increase on UC scale salaries in 2022-23 (as will all faculty at the other campuses). In addition, faculty at UCR will receive a 3% increase on the off-scale and above-scale components of their salaries.

The overall salary program for 2022-23 has the following four components:

  1.  Faculty members who had their merit and promotion files approved during AY21-22 will receive increases associated with successful advancement on 7/1/2022.
  2.  All faculty members at the assistant, associate, and full rank will receive the system-wide 4% increase on UCOP scale salaries, effective 10/1/2022.
  3.  All faculty members at the assistant, associate, and full rank will receive a 3% increase on their off-scale components, effective 10/1/2022, and all distinguished faculty members will receive a 3% increase on their above-scale salaries.
  4.  Faculty members who were identified through the UCR salary equity study described below will receive an equity increase, effective 10/1/2022. A separate salary letter from the VPAP will be sent to all of those faculty members who were identified informing them of the amount of that increase.

See the attached flowchart for how increases for each faculty member will be determined.

About Equity Increases:
The Academic Personnel Office, under the leadership of Vice Provost Dan Jeske, conducted a UCR salary equity study during AY21-22 for Senate ladder-rank faculty members with the intention to: a) identify faculty whose professorial academic-year salaries were below expectations relative to comparable UCR peers and for which there was no explanation that would offer justification, and b) propose adjustments to bring those salaries closer to expectations.  The program defines comparable UCR peers as UCR faculty in the same area/discipline, in the same professorial series, and who are at the same rank and step.   Defined this way, the only reason that salaries would differ for comparable UCR peers is because of differences in their respective off-scale salary components.  Off-scale salary component differences can arise because of different initial appointment times, additional off-scale treatment during merit and promotion reviews, and/or retention actions.

The equity study was based upon a data set consisting of the AY21-22 faculty salaries (base plus off-scale), excluding full-time faculty administrators and above-scale faculty members.  The data set was used to construct a statistical regression model that provided the predicted median salaries for UCR faculty members based on their discipline, their type of professor series (professor versus professor of teaching), their rank, and their step.  The model identified 213 faculty members whose AY21-22 salaries were more than 3% below their projected median salary.  The equity adjustments will bring those 213 faculty members to within 3% of their projected median, and represent a campus investment of $1,300,000, which is nearly one-third of what has been invested in annual merit and promotion actions in recent years.  Further details about the salary equity study can be found in the APO Salary Equity Study Report<https://academicpersonnel.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm1261/files/2022-05/the-ay22-23-ucr-salary-equity-study-program-05.10.2022.pdf>. Please direct any questions to Vice Provost Jeske.

Going forward, salary equity at UCR will be reviewed every two years, with the initial analysis provided by APO and adjustments made according to what is feasible given the campus budget.

A university would not exist without its faculty. Thank you for all that you do, every day, in your teaching and mentoring, your research and creative activities, and your service on and off campus. I am honored to work in your company at UC Riverside.



Elizabeth Watkins, PhD (she / her / hers)
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Professor of History
University of California, Riverside
951.827.1129 | Elizabeth.Watkins at UCR.edu<mailto:Elizabeth.Watkins at UCR.edu>
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