[Faculty] Call for Faculty-Led Programs

Mely Fitzgerald mely.fitzgerald at ucr.edu
Mon Jan 30 10:56:54 PST 2023

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

The Education Abroad Office is seeking your help to increase access to study abroad at UCR. Education Abroad programs are high-impact practice<https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2018/05/01/kuh-and-kinzie-respond-essay-questioning-high-impact-practices-opinion> to our undergraduate students' learning experience. We want to grow programs that uniquely benefit our students and help them reach their goals. Faculty-led education abroad programs can have immediate and lasting positive impacts on both students and faculty; such programs also allow us to explore US-based options that improve access for students who cannot, or choose not to, travel abroad.

UCR's Education Abroad office is therefore calling for interested UCR faculty to share preliminary ideas to run a FLEAP for summer 2025. If you are interested, please complete our form (Phase 1):

The deadline is Monday, February 27, 2023, by 5:00 pm (PST).

Questions? Please see our FAQ<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wPAzp-cj-P-GDCIJ2QDflNPtvWjP7jsdHo3kzLE-A5M/edit?usp=sharing>. Please contact educationabroad at ucr.edu<mailto:educationabroad at ucr.edu> with any additional questions.
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