[Faculty] UCR Graduate Division Faculty Quarterly Newsletter - Spring 2024
GRADsuccess .
gradsuccess at ucr.edu
Wed Apr 17 12:21:49 PDT 2024
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Spring 2024
Faculty Quarterly
Dear Faculty,
I am delighted to announce the launch of the Graduate Division Quarterly faculty newsletter!
Our goal is to enhance communication and keep you updated on important information and initiatives that pertain to graduate education at UCR. The graduate landscape has changed significantly over the last few years and all of us in the Graduate Division are here to help you navigate these transformations as smoothly as possible. We are in the process of developing the Graduate Division Strategic Plan 2030 and will be reaching out for feedback. This year, we will focus on establishing a more robust evaluation and mentoring plan for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, a comprehensive responsible conduct of research program, and supporting the development and submission of graduate student training grants and external fellowships.
On a personal note, I would like to thank all of you who have welcomed and helped me with the transition since I joined UCR last Summer. For those of you who I have not yet met, I am looking forward to getting to know you. Please, email me, stop by UOB or invite me to your office, lab or a faculty meeting so we can exchange ideas that will lead to the elevation of graduate education at UCR.
Until next time,
Cafezinho Hour
Dean Kos is hosting a new monthly zoom series, Cafezinho, this monthly series will be an informational platform to provide updates and news to our Graduate Advisors and indeed any faculty that have questions about graduate students. Upcoming dates: April 24, May 29, June 26. Join us on Zoom<https://ucr.zoom.us/j/97872551324?pwd=YW1ka0lBNlIyZ3pIdWR2SSsxMDVlZz09&utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
The national closing date for graduate admissions is April 15th. We’d like to thank all the faculty that have played a role in supporting your programs screen and recruit new graduate students. Many of you have served on admissions committees, interviewed candidates, presented your work at recruitment events or corresponded with them over many months. Thank you for all the work you do to bring great students to our campus. If you are not participating in recruitment this year please get in touch with your program faculty to see how you can help.
Important Application Deadlines
* Summer 2024 application closes on 5/1/2024. Summer 2024 admission recommendations are due by 5/8/2024.
* Fall 2024 application closes on 6/1/2024. Fall 2024 admission recommendations are due by 6/8/2024.
VIEW DEADLINES<https://graduate.ucr.edu/deadlines?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
Academic Preparation,
Recruitment, & Outreach
Providing undergraduate students research experience is an important aspect to our teaching mission and is a long term way to make sure we are diversifying the pipeline to the professoriate. Less than 3% of UCR undergraduates go on to graduate programs falling behind the rest of our sister campuses. Make a difference today and think about mentoring an undergraduate student in research this summer and beyond.
We are seeking Faculty Mentors for the 2024 MSRIP/UC LEADS Summer Internship Program for UCR undergraduates. Fill out the Faculty Mentor Interest Form <https://grad.ucr.edu/register/23-24-Faculty-Interest-Form?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D> today!
For more information about our summer programs for faculty and students CLICK HERE<http://ttps/apro.ucr.edu/undergrad/msrip?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
Grad Slam is a UC systemwide<https://gradslam.universityofcalifornia.edu/?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D> public speaking contest that provides graduate students the opportunity to engage the public in their work. Participants are judged on how well they engage the audience, how clearly they communicate key concepts and how effectively they focus and present their ideas—all in three minutes or less.
Congratulations to Shannon Brady from Psychology, the winner of the UCR Final, who is advancing to the UC Final on May 3, 2024. You can watch the livestream and vote for the Audience Choice Award HERE<https://gradslam.universityofcalifornia.edu/?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
And congratulations to the UCR Finalists! All of the talks were outstanding!
Funding & Employment
Faculty who employ ASEs and GSRs are considered supervisors. For more information on the supervision of Graduate Student Employees in union-covered roles please review the following UCOP and campus resources:
Academic Personnel Supervision of Non-Senate academic titles<https://academicpersonnel.ucr.edu/employeerelations?_gl=1*1qnhc1f*_ga*MjEwMTM1NDM4OC4xNjk3NTU3NTM2*_ga_S8BZQKWST2*MTcwNTAwMDE0Ny4xMTQuMS4xNzA1MDAwMjU1LjAuMC4w*_ga_Z1RGSBHBF7*MTcwNTAwMDE0Ny4xMTQuMS4xNzA1MDAwMjU1LjAuMC4w&utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
ASE Collective Bargaining Agreement<https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/bx/contract.html?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
GSR Collective Bargaining Agreement<https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/bx/contract.html?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
UCR Local Policies and Procedures<https://graduate.ucr.edu/graduate-student-employment?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
ASE and GSR Salary Schedules<https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/compensation/2023-24-academic-salary-scales.html?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
Faculty are expected to oversee timesheets through Time and Attendance Reporting System (TARS) for ASE and GSR employees. Only time off as approved by the collective bargaining agreement need be included on the timesheet for salaries ASEs and GSRs. Click here for more information<https://graduate.ucr.edu/graduate-student-employment?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D#time-and-attendance-reporting>.
The Employment Handbook has been replaced by Graduate Student Employment Tools<https://graduate.ucr.edu/graduate-student-employment?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>.
Individual Development Plans for Post-Doctoral Fellows
Individual Development Plans (IDPs) provide a living document that establishes professional development needs, career objectives, and a communication tool for postdocs and their mentors. Postdocs can choose the template that is right for them. Some recommendations are MyIDP https://myidp.sciencecareers.org/<https://myidp.sciencecareers.org/?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D> and ImaginePhD https://www.imaginephd.com/about<https://www.imaginephd.com/about?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
The Graduate Division strongly recommends that all postdoctoral fellows, in collaboration with their mentors, develop an IDP at the time of appointment. The document will be required by the Graduate Dean when requesting approval for changes to the original contract.
Academic Affairs Resources
All regulations and procedures regarding academic requirements for your graduate students including committees, advancement to candidacy, degree audtis, and graduation are available on the Graduate Division website. <http://- https:/graduate.ucr.edu/regulations-and-procedures >
You can also email<mailto:gaa at ucr.edu> gaa at ucr.edu <mailto:gaa at ucr.edu> with specific questions.
Graduate Division Hooding Ceremony
Remember to REGISTER<https://commencement.ucr.edu/faculty?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D> and reserve your regalia by April 15th if you are attending the hooding ceremony on June 1st.
R’Grad is our online petition system. Students, staff, and faculty can initiate petitions via this tool. When an email arrives notifying you of a petition in your queue, please review quickly so it can move to the next person for review. Use the link in the email or go directly to R’Grad<http://rgrad.ucr.edu?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D> to access the system. Any issues with your access can be addressed by emailing rgradfeedback at ucr.edu<mailto:rgradfeedback at ucr.edu>.
Grades, Exam Results, and Capstone requirements
Reporting grades and other degree requirements in a timely manner is crucial so students can graduate on time. Late grade or degree requirement reporting will result in the student moving to a future quarter graduation.
Filing Fee status is meant to be used during the final quarter a student is in the program. If your student will not complete their dissertation, thesis, or other capstone requirement during their filing fee quarter, this status should not be approved.
Research Ethics & Mentoring
As part of their education graduate students need to be taught about the ethics of conducting research as well as how to be an effective mentor. This can be conducted at many levels, including on a daily basis with your student. To help provide additional instruction, Grad Division is offering two courses in Spring Quarter taught by Dr. Dena Plemmons:
GDIV 405: Entering Mentoring
This new course features curriculum from the Entering Mentoring program created by scholars/researchers at the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research [CIMER], and is designed for graduate student mentors of undergraduate research trainees. LEARN MORE<https://registrationssb.ucr.edu/StudentRegistrationSsb/ssb/classSearch/classSearch?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
GDIV 405: Research and Scholarship Ethics
This one unit, interdisciplinary seminar is an introduction to the core areas that influence the responsible conduct of research (RCR), and is designed as an option to meet current federal regulations requiring students on specific federal funds to receive training in RCR. LEARN MORE<https://registrationssb.ucr.edu/StudentRegistrationSsb/ssb/classSearch/classSearch?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
Grad Success
GradSuccess supports graduate student retention, degree completion, and post-degree career outcomes through a diverse range of programs, events, expert consultations, and peer support. Postdoctoral scholars are also welcome at all GradSuccess events. Please encourage your students to take advantage of the resources available in Grad Success. LEARN MORE<https://graduate.ucr.edu/gradsuccess?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
Career Pathways
Each quarter the Graduate Student Resource Center hosts Career Pathways<https://gsrc.ucr.edu/careerpathways?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>, providing graduate students and postdocs opportunities to explore potential career paths, navigate the job market, and successfully gain employment.. Over 100 grad students and postdocs attended Beyond Academia events this winter, which included a keynote address, a CV to resume workshop and clinics, effective networking techniques, and discipline-specific panels of UCR grads with careers outside academia. Teaching Careers<https://gsrc.ucr.edu/careerpathways/teaching?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D> is coming up in spring, and we encourage you to share this with your grad students and postdocs.
Fulbright Fellowship Application Support
The Graduate Writing Center is hosting series of workshops in Spring to support graduate students interested in applying for the Fulbright US Student Program awards. Applicants are highly encouraged to attend the workshops to be better prepared and submit a more competitive application. All five of the 2024 UCR applicants made it to the final round, and two were selected for awards!
Fulbright Writing the Statement of Grant Purpose Workshops:
May 30 - Students learn about the statement of purpose and how it differs from others they may have written
June 6 - Students learn what to highlight about themselves to be competitive for the program
Interested students should contact Dr. Lauren Hammond<mailto:lauren.hammond at ucr.edu?subject=Fulbright%20US%20Student%20Program%20Information>, and can enroll on the workshops here<https://gwc.ucr.edu/programs/workshops?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D#applying-to-the-fulbright-prog>.
UTC Program Application Open for 24-25 Cohort
The University Teaching Certificate (UTC) Program is a highly competitive instructional training and certification program to prepare graduate students for careers as university-level instructors. Ph.D. students, Postdocs, and master’s students are welcome to apply. The application for the 2024-25 cohort is now open, with a May 28 deadline. Visit the UTC website<https://tadp.ucr.edu/university-teaching-certificate?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D> for more information and the application.
GradQuant offers workshops on a variety of topics ranging from remedial and introductory methods to advanced, specialized training. Past workshop recordings are also available for viewing. View the Spring workshop schedule and register. <https://gradquant.ucr.edu/programs/workshops/spring-2024?utm_source=UC+Riverside+Master+List&utm_campaign=2fb1820090-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_02_08_08_57_COPY_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-b69786bfc4-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D>
[Email]<mailto:gdiv at ucr.edu>
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