[Msoadm] Message from Financial Aid Department

Cesar David Lopez cesar.lopez at ucr.edu
Tue Apr 25 11:57:32 PDT 2023


As we near the end of the fiscal year, the Financial Aid office reminds all departments that scholarship/stipend requests should be submitted early for timely processing. These requests can be submitted at any time but please note that our office will be entering the busy season of the year. In addition, the University's financial system replacement program, known as Impact23, provides an added emphasis on having requests submitted as early as possible to assist with the transition.

For a timely response, your end of year requests can be received at this time for processing. Requests received past May 25th run the risk of not being processed before the fiscal year closes. Please plan accordingly.

Please note that this also applies to new sources of funding. If there is one identified that would need to be used for student awards, please keep the deadline in mind, as we will not be able to process requests with a new funding source after the posted deadline until the system comes back online at the start of July. If you are unsure if you have a new funding source, please reach out to Cesar Lopez to confirm.

As a reminder, all requests are to be directed through Workfront, which can be accessed here<https://ucr.my.workfront.com/requests/new> where Nino Barredo (nino.r.barredo at ucr.edu<mailto:nino.r.barredo at ucr.edu>) and Cesar Lopez (cesar.lopez at ucr.edu<mailto:cesar.lopez at ucr.edu>) will continue to be the primary contacts. Questions pertaining to student information can be directed to Nino Barredo and questions regarding funding information should be directed to Cesar Lopez.



Office of Financial Aid

2106 Student Services Building

900 University Avenue | Riverside, CA 92521

Phone: (951) 827-7249 | Fax: (951) 827-5619 |

Email: jose.aguilar at ucr.edu<mailto:jose.aguilar at ucr.edu> |Web: https://financialaid.ucr.edu/

Cesar Lopez | Fiscal Officer
2106 Student Services Building
900 University Avenue | Riverside, CA 92521
Office: 951.827.6181 | Fax: 951.827.5619
E-mail: cesar.lopez at ucr.edu<mailto:cesar.lopez at ucr.edu>

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