[Msoadm] Introducing Looker – Finance: Your New Data and Analytics Portal!

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Wed Aug 16 14:55:15 PDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

The Impact23 program team is excited to announce the deployment of Looker.  Looker is UC Riverside's new data and analytics portal for visualization and reporting. Looker is intended to complement the standard reports available to Oracle Finance and Oracle Budget users. As part of the Impact23 program, Looker replaces UCRFSTotals and SuperDOPE and will house separate finance datasets for data analysis.
The following are now available in Looker:
·         Finance - Oracle Financials General Ledger, which includes the control budget (working budget amounts (perm + temp), no details).  Please note BC75, BC76, and BC77 are currently not visible within Looker. This is a known issue and is anticipated to be corrected in September.
·         Payroll Distribution - access should be restricted based on the user’s job role and job requirements
 Datasets to be made available in future phases of Looker are as follows:
1.      Oracle Budget (TBD): Oracle Budget details
2.      Banner Student Receivables (TBD) (replacing the "SIS Query" tab in the UCRFSTotals application). Please note Looker Banner details will contain data subject to FERPA requirements<https://registrar.ucr.edu/resources/ferpa/staff>

Reminder, access to finance datasets in Looker<https://impact23.ucr.edu/access-requests#looker> is granted by your Department SAA within EACS. Looker is accessible via R'Space, but the Looker icon will not be visible without proper access.
To ensure you make the most of the Looker tool, we highly recommend exploring the following resources:
·         Looker-Finance User Interface Guide<https://drive.google.com/file/d/199-99xZIo7e1ThAFMw3qp12ZA7u_t3bU/view?pli=1>
·         How to use and navigate Financials datasets in Looker.<https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/ucr_portal?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0012137>
·         Complete the training Reporting Tools & Dashboards.<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D631114%26UserMode%3D0>
·         New Looker users should also consider completing the free Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Looker course. Learn more at Looker Introduction and Training Resources.<https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/ucr_portal?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0012090>

For more information or inquiries, please attend the Financial Reporting Office Hours<https://impact23.ucr.edu/office-hours> and/or September User Group Meeting
Thank you for your commitment to learning new financial reports and tools!


Asirra Suguitan

Impact23 Functional Lead and Campus Controller

Asirra Suguitan

Impact23 Functional Lead and Campus Controller

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