[Msoadm] Annual Compensatory Time Off (CTO) Election for Represented Non-Exempt Employees in the CX, SX, RX, TX, HX and K5 Units

Mariela Bridges mariela.bridges at ucr.edu
Fri Jun 16 16:23:35 PDT 2023

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Employee and Labor Relations
June 16, 2023
To:       Business Officers
From:   George C. Williams, Director of Employee and Labor Relations
Re:       Annual Compensatory Time Off (CTO) Election for Represented Non-Exempt Employees in the CX, SX, RX, TX, HX and K5 Units

Dear Colleagues:
If your department offers Compensatory Time Off (CTO) for overtime hours worked, employees in your department covered by the bargaining units listed above should be offered an opportunity during the month of June to elect CTO for fiscal year 2023-24.
CX, SX and K5:
The contracts currently in place for the CX, SX and K5 bargaining units contain the following provision with respect to CTO: "Unless the employee and the University agree otherwise, overtime will be paid. An employee may, upon hire and thereafter during the month of June, file a written indication of preference for either compensatory time off or pay with the employee's immediate supervisor. The University shall grant the preference indicated."
RX and TX:
The contracts currently in place for the RX and TX bargaining units contain the following provision with respect to CTO: "Unless the employee and the University agree otherwise, overtime will be paid. An employee may, upon hire and thereafter during the month of June, file a written indication of preference for either compensatory time off or pay with the employee's immediate supervisor. The University shall grant the preference indicated. If no preference is indicated to the department in the annual June period for changes, the employee's previous election shall continue."
The contract currently in place for the HX unit contains the following provision with respect to CTO: "Unless the employee and the University agree otherwise, overtime will be paid. An employee may within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this agreement, or upon hire, and thereafter during the month of June, file a written indication of preference for either compensatory time off or pay with the employee's immediate supervisor. The University shall grant the preference indicated.  The written indication of preference referenced above may be withdrawn by mutual agreement of the supervisor and the employee"
For employees in each of the above bargaining units, unless an employee submits a change to their election for compensatory time off during June 2023, the employee's previous election shall continue.
For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at https://hr.ucr.edu/about-us/forms-and-documents/employee-labor-relations-forms-documents#overtime_compensation under Labor Relations, Overtime Compensation. The original form should be kept in the department personnel file. Copies of the form should be distributed to the employee and the office that handles payroll matters for your organization.
If you have any questions about the process or requirements described here, please contact the Employee and Labor Relations Consultant assigned to your organization. Alternatively, you can send an email to employee.relations at ucr.edu<mailto:employee.relations at ucr.edu>.
George C. Williams
Director, Employee and Labor Relations
University of California, Riverside
george.c.williams at ucr.edu<mailto:george.c.williams at ucr.edu>

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