[Msoadm] [ASEs and GSRs Website Links to TARS Job Aids Information]

Sonia B Kalogonis sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu
Fri Nov 3 09:36:07 PDT 2023

Dear all,
This email is to provide information concerning links available for the ASEs and GSRs leave reporting TARS job aids available for reference.
Please refer ASEs and GSRs to the Graduate Division website link for the TARS job aid.  The supervisors TARS job aid can also be found on this site.

Graduate Student Employment/TARS Link:

[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated]
For Shared Services Centers and TARs Administrators, please refer to the Business Financial & Services website link below for TARs jobs aids.

Payroll Coordination/User Guides/TARS Link:

[A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated]

General inquiries concerning UAW employees from Supervisors, departmental staff and shared services centers need to be routed to their college AP Director.
The college AP Director will forward the inquiry to Academic Personnel Office for further assistance if they are unable to resolve the inquiry.

  *   GSR/ASE TARS questions, please contact Business Financial Services through Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu<mailto:Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu>
  *   GSR/ASE TARS UCPath UCOP Technical Guidance and or Leave Reporting please contact APO through Sonia Kalogonis sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu<mailto:sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu> and Esperanza Steward Esperanza.steward at ucr.edu<mailto:Esperanza.steward at ucr.edu>.
  *   GSR/ASE student employment/ restrictions/financial package, please contact GRAD DIV through Patrick Napier patrick.napier at ucr.edu<mailto:patrick.napier at ucr.edu>
Thank you from the ASE and GSR TARS implementation workgroup.

From: Sonia B Kalogonis
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 4:34 PM
To: faculty at scotmail.ucr.edu; APDstaff at ucr.edu; msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu; hssc at ucr.edu; possc at engr.ucr.edu; Christine Devlin <christine.smith at ucr.edu>; Veronica Luna <veronica.luna at ucr.edu>; sylvia.vasquez at medsch.ucr.edu; Rachel Rodriguez <Rachel.Rodriguez at medsch.ucr.edu>; Jennifer Goupil <jennifer.goupil at ucr.edu>; Lorraine R Duran <lorraine.torres at ucr.edu>; Michele C May <michele.may at ucr.edu>; Jackie A Rodriguez <jacquelyn.rodriguez at ucr.edu>; Brenda Montes <brenda.montes at ucr.edu>; Sonja M Dawson <sonja.dawson at ucr.edu>; Martha A Castaneda <martha.castaneda at ucr.edu>; George Amaya <george.amaya at ucr.edu>; Alexia Renea G Gonzales <alexiarenea.gonzales at ucr.edu>; Marcos C Padilla <marcos.padilla at ucr.edu>; aa at medsch.ucr.edu; Cindy I Williams <cindy.williams at ucr.edu>; Sally Tavizon <Sally.Tavizon at ucr.edu>; Jennifer V Farias <jennifer.farias at ucr.edu>; Kennett T Lai <kennett.lai at ucr.edu>; Maldana <Maldana at medsch.ucr.edu>; Sean T Cason <sean.cason at ucr.edu>; Alissa Rackstraw <alissa at engr.ucr.edu>
Cc: Lidia Kos <lidia.kos at ucr.edu>; Patrick A Napier <patrick.napier at ucr.edu>; Emma H Wilson <emma.wilson at ucr.edu>; kate.sweeny at ucr.edu; Lorraine Cheng <lorraine.cheng at ucr.edu>; Alfred K Karam <alfred.karam at ucr.edu>; Disha Kibria <disha.kibria at ucr.edu>; Andrew D Cullum <Andrew.Cullum at ucr.edu>; Shahid A Saifee <shahid.saifee at ucr.edu>; labor.relations at ucr.edu; UCPathCSC at ucr.edu; UC Riverside Payroll Office (UCRpayroll at ucr.edu) <ucrpayroll at ucr.edu>; AcademicPersonnel <academicpersonnel at ucr.edu>; VPAP <vpap at ucr.edu>; Samuel A Najera <alex.najera at ucr.edu>
Subject: RE: [APO ASEs and GSRs Leave Reporting in TARS Update] Please don't forward
Importance: High

This guidance document should not be posted or shared with a broad audience (e.g., do not send to your graduate students or graduate student employees). This guidance document should only be shared with campus/department/program/unit administrators who are responsible for implementing the new time reporting (e.g., AP Partners, payroll coordinators, and department/program/unit managers, supervisors/faculty).

Good afternoon,

This email is to help clarify the ASEs and GSRs leave reporting in TARS. Beginning October 1, 2023, ASEs and GSRS and their supervisors will begin to use TARS (like the Postdoctoral Scholars who currently use TARS today). The ASEs and GSRs will record their leave usage (except for Tutors/Readers who report biweekly work hours) to the TARS timesheet monthly. ASEs and GSRs will continue to receive their paychecks based on their job appointment record in UCPath. A paycheck generated each payroll period is not contingent on an approved TARS timesheet to be submitted to UCPath for monthly paid appointees. Supervisors, please refer ASEs and GSRs to the TARS ASE GSR Employee Leave Entry job aid (see attachment) to assist them when they are reporting their leave usage. Supervisors will need to review and approve ASEs and GSRs timesheets each pay period, please refer to the TARS ASE GSR Timesheet Approver job aid (see attachment).

Monthly paid appointees

  *   Appointee will need to log into TARS to generate a timesheet each month.
  *   Appointee will record leave taken only as needed each month, starting 10/1 for pay period 10/01/23-10/31/23 and timesheet will be made available in TARs on Thursday, 10/12/23 due to implementation (new go-live date).
  *   Appointee will submit a timesheet monthly. If no leave taken for the month, then the timesheet will be submitted as is (blank). If leave taken, it should be reflected on the date taken and submitted.
  *   Supervisor will approve their timesheet on the 1st of each month starting 11/01/23 even if no leave is recorded.
  *   Supervisor timesheet approval is due approximately on the 8th of each month.
  *   Paychecks will continue to be issued regardless of an approved time sheet in TARS. Failure to approve timesheets can lead to overpayments.
  *   TARS will generate email notifications for appointees to submit their timesheet and to their supervisors to approve their timesheet.

For GSR/ASE TARS questions please contact Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu<mailto:Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu>

General inquiries concerning UAW employees from Supervisors, departmental staff and shared services centers need to be routed to their college AP Director. The college AP Director will forward the inquiry to Academic Personnel Office for further assistance if they are unable to resolve the inquiry.

  *   GSR/ASE TARS questions, please contact Business Financial Services through Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu<mailto:Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu>
  *   GSR/ASE TARS UCPath UCOP Technical Guidance and or Leave Reporting please contact APO through Sonia Kalogonis sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu<mailto:sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu> and Esperanza Steward esperanza.steward at ucr.edu<mailto:esperanza.steward at ucr.edu>.
  *   GSR/ASE student employment/ restrictions/financial package, please contact GRAD DIV through Patrick Napier patrick.napier at ucr.edu<mailto:patrick.napier at ucr.edu>.

Thank you from the ASE and GSR TARS implementation workgroup.

From: Sonia B Kalogonis
Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2023 11:24 AM
To: faculty at scotmail.ucr.edu<mailto:faculty at scotmail.ucr.edu>; APDstaff at ucr.edu<mailto:APDstaff at ucr.edu>; msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu<mailto:msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu>; hssc at ucr.edu<mailto:hssc at ucr.edu>; possc at engr.ucr.edu<mailto:possc at engr.ucr.edu>; Christine Devlin <christine.smith at ucr.edu<mailto:christine.smith at ucr.edu>>; Veronica Luna <veronica.luna at ucr.edu<mailto:veronica.luna at ucr.edu>>; sylvia.vasquez at medsch.ucr.edu<mailto:sylvia.vasquez at medsch.ucr.edu>; Rachel Rodriguez <Rachel.Rodriguez at medsch.ucr.edu<mailto:Rachel.Rodriguez at medsch.ucr.edu>>; Jennifer Goupil <jennifer.goupil at ucr.edu<mailto:jennifer.goupil at ucr.edu>>; Lorraine R Duran <lorraine.torres at ucr.edu<mailto:lorraine.torres at ucr.edu>>; Michele C May <michele.may at ucr.edu<mailto:michele.may at ucr.edu>>; Jackie A Rodriguez <jacquelyn.rodriguez at ucr.edu<mailto:jacquelyn.rodriguez at ucr.edu>>; Brenda Montes <brenda.montes at ucr.edu<mailto:brenda.montes at ucr.edu>>; Sonja M Dawson <sonja.dawson at ucr.edu<mailto:sonja.dawson at ucr.edu>>; Martha A Castaneda <martha.castaneda at ucr.edu<mailto:martha.castaneda at ucr.edu>>; George Amaya <george.amaya at ucr.edu<mailto:george.amaya at ucr.edu>>; Alexia Renea G Gonzales <alexiarenea.gonzales at ucr.edu<mailto:alexiarenea.gonzales at ucr.edu>>; Marcos C Padilla <marcos.padilla at ucr.edu<mailto:marcos.padilla at ucr.edu>>; aa at medsch.ucr.edu<mailto:aa at medsch.ucr.edu>; Cindy I Williams <cindy.williams at ucr.edu<mailto:cindy.williams at ucr.edu>>; Sally Tavizon <Sally.Tavizon at ucr.edu<mailto:Sally.Tavizon at ucr.edu>>; Jennifer V Farias <jennifer.farias at ucr.edu<mailto:jennifer.farias at ucr.edu>>; Kennett T Lai <kennett.lai at ucr.edu<mailto:kennett.lai at ucr.edu>>; Maldana <Maldana at medsch.ucr.edu<mailto:Maldana at medsch.ucr.edu>>; Sean T Cason <sean.cason at ucr.edu<mailto:sean.cason at ucr.edu>>; Alissa Rackstraw <alissa at engr.ucr.edu<mailto:alissa at engr.ucr.edu>>
Cc: Lidia Kos <lidia.kos at ucr.edu<mailto:lidia.kos at ucr.edu>>; Patrick A Napier <patrick.napier at ucr.edu<mailto:patrick.napier at ucr.edu>>; Emma H Wilson <emma.wilson at ucr.edu<mailto:emma.wilson at ucr.edu>>; kate.sweeny at ucr.edu<mailto:kate.sweeny at ucr.edu>; Lorraine Cheng <lorraine.cheng at ucr.edu<mailto:lorraine.cheng at ucr.edu>>; Alfred K Karam <alfred.karam at ucr.edu<mailto:alfred.karam at ucr.edu>>; Disha Kibria <disha.kibria at ucr.edu<mailto:disha.kibria at ucr.edu>>; Andrew D Cullum <Andrew.Cullum at ucr.edu<mailto:Andrew.Cullum at ucr.edu>>; Shahid A Saifee <shahid.saifee at ucr.edu<mailto:shahid.saifee at ucr.edu>>; labor.relations at ucr.edu<mailto:labor.relations at ucr.edu>; UCPathCSC at ucr.edu<mailto:UCPathCSC at ucr.edu>; UC Riverside Payroll Office (UCRpayroll at ucr.edu<mailto:UCRpayroll at ucr.edu>) <ucrpayroll at ucr.edu<mailto:ucrpayroll at ucr.edu>>; AcademicPersonnel <academicpersonnel at ucr.edu<mailto:academicpersonnel at ucr.edu>>; VPAP <vpap at ucr.edu<mailto:vpap at ucr.edu>>
Subject: [APO ASE and GSRs Update] ASEs and GSRs Leave Reporting and TARS Deployment October 2023 Information and Job Aids
Importance: High

Dear all,

This email provides further information on Academic Student Employees (ASEs) and Graduate Student Researcher (GSRs) leave reporting in Time & Attendance Reporting System (TARS) effective October 2023 and the timesheets will be available for reporting on Friday, October 13, 2023. ASEs and GSRs are required to complete the leave reporting for each active job and for each pay period.

What you need to know:

PIs and IORs (Supervisors) and Departmental Staff

  *   For Reference, the ASEs and GSRs include the following job titles in TARS for Leave Reporting.
     *   ASE Monthly: Teaching Assistant, Teaching Fellow, Associate Instructor
     *   ASE Biweekly: Reader, Remedial Tutor, and Local Tutor (this group already reports time worked through TARS)
     *   GSR Monthly: Graduate Student Researchers and Graduate Student Trainees/Fellows (those considered in unit)
  *   Departmental staff during the onboarding process will ensure ASEs and GSRs have access to TARS with the correct Supervisor.
  *   Please note, in the TARS system, Supervisors will be maintained using the 'Reports To' field in UCPath's Position Management feature which is not in the Enterprise Access Control Systems (EACS). If the ASEs and GSRs job record 'Reports To' information is incorrect, please update this field or coordinate a request for the shared services centers to update this field.
  *   For ASEs and GSRs who may have multiple supervisors associated with a single job code respectively, the primary Supervisor will need to be determined and will be responsible for approving timesheets in TARS.
  *   Please refer ASEs and GSRs to use the attached TARS ASE GSR Employee Leave Entry job aid for step-by-step instructions for entering leave reporting.
  *   ASEs and GSRs will continue to receive their monthly earnings from their active job record in UCPath. However, they are required to complete a time sheet for when they take a leave or when a GSR is taking their PTO.
  *   Supervisors will need to review in TARS the leave submitted by ASEs and GSRs to ensure its accurate and then approve it. Please use the attached TARS ASE GSR Timesheet Approver job aid for step-by-step instructions.
  *   Please note, PTO will not be tracked in UCPath. Supervisors and Departmental staff will need to track and monitor PTO usage by referring to the TARS timesheet submitted by the ASE and GSR.
  *   Departmental staff will administer short term and long- term leave requests, monitor leaves reported in TARS and ensure the leave is recorded in UCPath.
  *   Please refer to the APO ASE and GSR Technical Leave Reporting Guidance October 2023 handout which provides additional information for PTO and leaves.

Shared Services Centers and TARS Administrators

  *   Monitors leaves for ASEs and GSRs submitted through TARS and records the leave in UCPath. Please use the attached TARS Training ASE GSR-TAA Role job aid for step-by-step instructions.
  *   Assists with departmental requests for ASE and GSR leaves, PTO and VAC takes reporting from TARS via TARS search time sheet in Advanced Options Report.
  *   Please refer to the ASE and GSR Technical Leave Reporting Guidance October 2023 handout which provides additional information for processing leaves in UCPath.
  *   Business Financial Services has provided OTP_Transactor Quick Guide for your reference.

Further Information:


  *   For GSR/ASE TARS questions please contact Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu<mailto:Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu>

Contract(s) Leave Reporting

  *   New benefits for expanded paid leave provisions and annual PTO allocation for GSRs, please refer to the applicable contracts for ASEs and GSRS for all leave provisions.
  *   ASE (BX) UAW Contract, Article Leaves link<https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/bx/contract.html> and GSRS (BR) UAW Contract, Article Leaves, PTO and Vacation link<https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/br/contract.html>.
  *   UAW Contract Implementation Session 2 for ASEs and GSRs Supervisors and AP Staff is scheduled today, Wednesday, October 4th 2:00-3:30 p.m. which will highlight the new benefits for expanded paid leave provisions and an opportunity to ask questions.
  *   For meeting information please contact your Academic Personnel (AP) Director.


General inquiries concerning UAW employees from Supervisors, departmental staff and shared services centers need to be routed to their college AP Director. The college AP Director will forward the inquiry to Academic Personnel Office for further assistance if they are unable to resolve the inquiry.

  *   GSR/ASE TARS questions, please contact Business Financial Services through Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu<mailto:Timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu>
  *   GSR/ASE TARS UCPath UCOP Technical Guidance and or Leave Reporting please contact APO through Sonia Kalogonis sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu<mailto:sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu> and Esperanza Steward Esperanza.steward at ucr.edu<mailto:Esperanza.steward at ucr.edu>.
  *   GSR/ASE student employment/ restrictions/financial package, please contact GRAD DIV through Patrick Napier patrick.napier at ucr.edu<mailto:patrick.napier at ucr.edu>.

Sonia Kalogonis
APO Policy & Compensation Analyst
O: 951.827.2934 | E: sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu<mailto:sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu>
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