[Msoadm] September 2023 Period Close and Reports
Bobbi McCracken
bobbi.mccracken at ucr.edu
Thu Oct 26 17:33:42 PDT 2023
Dear Colleagues,
The September 2023 month end ledgers are now officially closed. The related Financial Transaction Detail Reports (FTDR) for 2023-09 have been published and are available in RSpace under the Tools section "Financial Web Reports<https://finwebreports.ucr.edu/>".
Some notes and reminders about the September ledgers:
* The deployment of the Ledger Reconciliation and Storage Systems for FY2024 is pending.
* Prime PI Summary pre-run reports are available as a separate tab under the Financial Web Reports<https://finwebreports.ucr.edu/>. These reports are organized by Organization and Department values; please note the reports are not organized by Prime PI. The reports can be run ad hoc in Oracle by Prime PI, while the program team is working on this change for future reports.
* Regular posting of the PO Encumbrance Report on the Financial Web Reports page is still pending. The report can be run ad hoc in Oracle.
* Non-zero projects
* Corrections to the carryforward on non-zero projects were processed in September. The September FTDR reports should now agree with the September Inception to Date Budgets and the September Prime PI Summary reports
* Note there are a few situations on converted awards where there were multiple UCRFS funds, one or more funds were closed so that portion of the award did not convert, AND a new increment of funding was received after conversion. In these circumstances, the budget in PPM may be overstated. A permanent resolution is pending.
* Budget data associated with BC75, BC76 and BC77 in Looker Financials and the Golden Tree Viewer is still pending.
* July Payroll and Suspense Funding.
* Per 9/11/2023 notice to MSOADM, due to the conversion from the old Chart of Account structure (aka FAU) to the new Chart of Accounts, payroll transactions associated with the dates prior to July 1st were redirected to the Suspense fund 69993. Phase 1 of the proposed manual corrections were distributed to ORG CFAOs on 10/13.
Please proceed with unit ledger reconciliations and report any concerns by submitting a ticket using the Impact23 support site: https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/finadmin_portal
Thanks for your continued patience and support.
Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller (retiring)
Business & Financial Services
From: Bobbi McCracken
Sent: Monday, October 9, 2023 5:16 PM
To: lrss_users at lists.ucr.edu; msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu
Cc: Impact23 <impact23 at ucr.edu>; Asirra Suguitan <asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu>; Stephanie L Flores <stephanie.flores at ucr.edu>; Jerry Monahan <jerry.monahan at ucr.edu>
Subject: August 2023 Period Close and Reports
Dear Colleagues,
The August 2023 month end ledgers are now officially closed. The related Financial Transaction Detail Reports (FTDR) for 2023-08 have been published and are available in RSpace under the Tools section "Financial Web Reports<https://finwebreports.ucr.edu/>".
Some notes and reminders about the August ledgers:
* The deployment of the Ledger Reconciliation and Storage Systems for FY2024 is pending.
* Prime PI Summary pre-run reports are available as a separate tab under the Financial Web Reports<https://finwebreports.ucr.edu/>. These reports are organized by Organization and Department values; please note the reports are not organized by Prime PI. The reports can be run ad hoc in Oracle by Prime PI, while the program team is working on this change for future reports.
* Regular posting of the PO Encumbrance Report on the Financial Web Reports page is still pending. The report can be run ad hoc in Oracle.
* When reconciling non-zero projects for July and August, please focus on the Actuals for non-zero projects.
* Corrections to the carryforward on non-zero projects were processed in September; therefore, the true non-zero project carryforward will not be reflected on the FTDR until the September reports.
* Non-zero project Inception to Date Budgets and the Prime PI Summary reports in the Report & Analytics Tool menu accurately reflect the data entered in PPM.
* Note there are a few situations on converted awards where there were multiple UCRFS funds, one or more funds were closed so that portion of the award did not convert, AND a new increment of funding was received after conversion. In these circumstances, the budget in PPM may be overstated. A permanent resolution is pending.
* Budget data associated with BC75, BC76 and BC77 in Looker Financials is still pending.
* July Payroll and Suspense Funding.
* Per 9/11/2023 notice to MSOADM, due to the conversion from the old Chart of Account structure (aka FAU) to the new Chart of Accounts, payroll transactions associated with the dates prior to July 1st were redirected to the Suspense fund 69993. Proposed manual corrections will be distributed to ORG CFAOs this week.
* July and August benefits costs are accurately reflected in the GL, FTDR, Looker Financials and Looker Payroll. In PPM only, the vast majority of benefits costs have been corrected as of the August ledgers.
* Corrections of purchase order and accounts payable related transactions originally recorded to the GL chart string equivalent of the POETAF instead of POETAF were corrected.
Tips for reconciliation using Journal Source:
* On the FTDR, the Journal Source, Journal Line Description, Journal Reference and/or Acct Seq # columns provide key data to trace the transaction back to the source system and transaction. For example,
* Source equals Payables, if the Journal Line Description references a PO, use the Journal Reference to look up the supplier's invoice and see a copy of the invoice in Oracle.
* Source equals Payables, if Journal Line Description does not reference a PO and the Journal References is 8 characters and starts with a P or M, use ePay to look up the transaction source.
* Source equals Payables, if Journal Line Description does not reference a PO and the Journal Reference is 7 characters long, use Concur to look up the transaction source.
* Source equals Purchasing, use the Journal Reference to look up the purchase order details in Oracle.
* Source equals Payroll Labor Distribution or Salary Cost Transfer, use Looker to access payroll distribution details. Remember that payroll should be reconciled to source documents such as timesheets, offer letters, position funding, etc.
* Source equals Banner/SIS, use iReport to access General Operating-SIS Monthly Activity pre-run reports. The Looker Banner data cube deployment is pending.
* Source equals Spreadsheet or Manual, use General Ledger inquiry, add the Acct Seq # to the search criteria fields, enter the Acct Seq # to look up the journal and related attachments.
Please proceed with unit ledger reconciliations and report any concerns by submitting a ticket using the Impact23 support site: https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/finadmin_portal
September payroll will be posting soon, and the September ledgers will be closing over the next week. Thanks for your continued patience and support.
Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller (retiring)
Business & Financial Services
From: Bobbi McCracken
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2023 10:29 AM
To: lrss_users at lists.ucr.edu<mailto:lrss_users at lists.ucr.edu>; msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu<mailto:msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu>
Cc: Impact23 <impact23 at ucr.edu<mailto:impact23 at ucr.edu>>; Asirra Suguitan <asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu<mailto:asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu>>; Stephanie L Flores <stephanie.flores at ucr.edu<mailto:stephanie.flores at ucr.edu>>; Jerry Monahan <jerry.monahan at ucr.edu<mailto:jerry.monahan at ucr.edu>>
Subject: July 2023 Period Close Reports Re-published
Dear Colleagues,
Thanks again for your continued patience as the Impact23 team works through challenges with the initial implementation of the financial systems and integrations. The July 2023 Financial Transaction Detail Reports (FTDR) have been re-published are available in RSpace under the Tools section "Financial Web Reports<https://finwebreports.ucr.edu/>". In addition to the notes and reminders from the initial announcement (highlighted below), there are a few known issues:
* Carryforward on non-zero Projects for July 2023 and August 2023 FTDR:
* The Financial Transaction Detail Report is a fiscal year based report
* Carryforward balances are generated from Oracle Budget. Oracle Budget is an annual budget. When Budget data is synchronized with the General Ledger, it is a complete replacement.
* Corrections to the carryforward on non-zero projects were processed in September; therefore, the true non-zero project carryforward will not be reflected on the FTDR until the September reports
* When reconciling non-zero projects for July and August, please focus on the Actuals
* Non-zero project Inception to Date Budgets in PPM are accurate
* Note there are a few situations on converted awards where there were multiple UCRFS funds, one or more funds were closed so that portion of the award did not convert, AND a new increment of funding was received after conversion. The budget in PPM may be overstated.
* Budgets associated with BC75, BC76 and BC77 have been corrected on the FTDR. However, the resolution of the issue in Looker Financials is still pending.
* July Payroll and Suspense Funding.
* Per 9/11/2023 notice to MSOADM, due to the conversion from the old Chart of Account structure (aka FAU) to the new Chart of Accounts, payroll transactions associated with the dates prior to July 1st were redirected to the Suspense fund 69993. Manual corrections are in process.
* July salary and benefits are accurately reflected in the GL, FTDR, Looker Financials and Looker Payroll. In PPM only, a small number of projects do not reflect the full benefit amounts for July; corrections are pending.
Please proceed with unit ledger reconciliations and report any concerns per guidelines below.
Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller
Business & Financial Services
From: Msoadm <msoadm-bounces at scotmail.ucr.edu<mailto:msoadm-bounces at scotmail.ucr.edu>> On Behalf Of Bobbi McCracken
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 12:46 PM
To: lrss_users at lists.ucr.edu<mailto:lrss_users at lists.ucr.edu>; msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu<mailto:msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu>
Cc: Impact23 <impact23 at ucr.edu<mailto:impact23 at ucr.edu>>; Stephanie L Flores <stephanie.flores at ucr.edu<mailto:stephanie.flores at ucr.edu>>; Jerry Monahan <jerry.monahan at ucr.edu<mailto:jerry.monahan at ucr.edu>>
Subject: [Msoadm] Retracted July 2023 Period Close Reports
Dear Colleagues,
Thanks for your thorough and prompt review of the July 2023 Financial Transaction Detail Reports (FTDR). Several issues were identified requiring the reports to be revised and regenerated (e.g., BC75/76/77, C&G Project carryforward budgets, etc.). As the FTDR are the official campus ledgers, the July reports generated on 9/5/2023 must be retracted. An additional communication will be distributed once the new July reports are available. I apologize for the inconvenience.
From: Bobbi McCracken
Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 3:22 PM
To: lrss_users at lists.ucr.edu<mailto:lrss_users at lists.ucr.edu>; msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu<mailto:msoadm at scotmail.ucr.edu>
Cc: Asirra Suguitan <asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu<mailto:asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu>>; jerry.monahan at ucr.edu<mailto:jerry.monahan at ucr.edu>; Impact23 <impact23 at ucr.edu<mailto:impact23 at ucr.edu>>
Subject: July 2023 Period is Closed in Oracle Financials
Dear Colleagues,
The first Accounting Period, July 2023, under the new Oracle Financial system has been closed. Financial Transaction Detail Reports are now available in RSpace under the Tools section "Financial Web Reports<https://finwebreports.ucr.edu/>". A few notes and reminders:
1. Regardless of the process used to reconcile your monthly ledgers, the Financial Transaction Detail Report (FTDR) should be used as the basis to ensure completeness of the data being reconciled
* The FTDR is a fiscal year-based report. At this time reconcilers are asked to reconcile PPM project costs against the FTDR.
* Reconcilers must be provisioned inquiry access to the related systems for the transactions they are responsible for reconciling.
i. Reconcilers should be provisioned the Oracle Financials UCR Inquiry role at a minimum.
ii. Individual reconciling payroll transactions will need to complete the Gender Recognition and Live Name training in LMS, sign the Non-Disclosure agreement, and be provisioned access to Looker-Finance-Payroll Distribution role.
* Reconciliations should be to source documents (such as purchase orders, invoices, etc.) When reconciling payroll transactions, the user should be validating against source documents (e.g., signed offer letters, promotion letters, leave notices, etc.) and the Time & Attendance Reporting System (TARS). A reconciliation of the FTDR to the Payroll Distribution Database is insufficient.
* If errors in the data are identified, the departments must have established procedures to ensure corrections are tracked and confirmed.
* Please review UCR Policies and Procedure-Ledger Reconciliation & Review Guidelines 200-97<https://fboapps.ucr.edu/policies/index.php?path=viewPolicies.php&policy=200-97>. Although updates are required to address the new systems, the objectives are the same.
* If a system error is identified, please submit a ticket using the Impact23 support site: https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/finadmin_portal
1. The updated Ledger Reconciliation and Storage System (LRSS) under the new COA is not yet available. Ledgers should continue to be reviewed and reconciled. Once the updated LRSS is deployed, users will be asked to mark the July ledgers as reconcile and certify in LRSS
Note: Department SAA will need to recreate the LRSS matrixes once the replacement system is deployed. Additional guidance will be provided upon deployments, so please begin evaluating if changes in roles are necessary.
1. Please work with your department financial manager to evaluate your reconciliation procedures under the new financial systems and Chart of Accounts. As you are aware, most transactions are processed using workflow approval (versus the Post Audit Notification (PAN)).
2. At this time, the Financial Web Reports<https://finwebreports.ucr.edu/> only contain the FTDR. In the near future, the monthly PI Summary Reports by PI and the Encumbrance Reports will be housed at this site.
3. Payroll journals for July:
* Please note you will see the posting and reversal of several journals. This situation will not re-occur after the August ledgers
* July payroll journals are mislabeled "August"; this situation has been corrected going forward.
Thank you for your patience during the system transitions.
Bobbi McCracken
Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller
Business & Financial Services
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