[Msoadm] Impact23 Meeting Updates!

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Fri Apr 26 18:15:52 PDT 2024


Please share with your staff that may be affected.

We're reaching out to inform you of two important changes to our schedule:

1.    User Group Meeting Postponed: The April UG meeting originally set for April 30th will be postponed until May 14. We understand the value of these meetings and appreciate your patience as we make this temporary adjustment.

2.    Impact23 Office Hours Paused: Office Hours will be paused for the next two weeks, from April 29th to May 10th. Regular schedule will resume on May 13th.

This break will provide our project teams with the opportunity to address operational backlogs and prepare for the upcoming fiscal year-end season.

Please check the Impact23 Calendar<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1/r/month/2024/5/1> for updates on these and other events. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and flexibility during this time.

Asirra Suguitan
Impact23 Functional Lead and Campus Controller

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