[Msoadm] Impact23 Insider News - June 2024
Asirra Suguitan
asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Tue Jun 11 01:02:46 PDT 2024
Dear Colleagues,
The Impact23 Insider News provides essential updates and activities related to the financial system replacement program. Please take a few minutes to read the Impact23 Insider News – June 2024<https://clt1411124.bmeurl.co/111E684F> edition and share it with your departmental teams as appropriate.
Asirra Suguitan
Associate Vice Chancellor and Campus Controller
Business & Financial Services
June 2024 | 17th Edition
June 2024 | 17th Edition
Greetings from the Impact23 Insider News! We hope this newsletter finds you well and thriving. As always, we are excited to share the latest updates and insights to keep you informed. Thank you for being a part of our community. More Information link.<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=111E6796&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>
FY2024 Campus Closing Deadlines
The campus closing schedule has been finalized for FY2024. This is the first fiscal closing using the Oracle systems, new Chart of Accounts, and other Impact23-related systems, and the schedule has been modified accordingly. The departmental tasks and deadlines are described in the FY 2024 Closing Letter<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=111E6798&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>. Please review the guidance, share it with your unit's fiscal closing personnel, and plan accordingly. Contact fyclose at ucr.edu<mailto:fyclose at ucr.edu> with questions or concerns.
Updated Office Hours Schedule
The Impact23 team has updated the office hours schedule and introduced a new cadence. Office Hours<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=111EC381&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> will be held every other week through June and will transition to once a month beginning in July. Please note that Kuali Sponsored Programs office hours remain unchanged and will continue every week.
As the first fiscal closing in the new systems approaches, attend one of the two upcoming office hour sessions focused on navigating departmental tasks and deadlines.
* June 10 @ 9:30am Post Award for Contracts & Grants
* June 12 @ 3pm Financial Reporting & Boundary Systems
New Automated Deactivation Process Implemented for Concur User Profiles
Previously, Concur user profiles did not automatically deactivate when users lost an EACS role or separated from UCR, causing issues for users and Accounting during expense report processing. To address this, an automated Concur profile deactivation process was implemented on 4/17/2024, allowing Concur Delegates 25 calendar days to submit expense reports on a deactivated profile for reconciliation.
Concur profiles are now deactivated if the user no longer has an EACS role, an active NetID (e.g., separation from UCR), or if their Employee Supplier/Supplier record is inactive or missing (e.g., Contingent Workers). System warnings and flags will indicate deactivation, ensuring the proper final payment process can be followed.
Finally Closed Guidance
Recently it was brought to our attention that one of the updates to Oracle Financials made it possible to reopen a finally closed PO. Please do not use this functionality and reopen a finally closed PO until further notice. We are researching to ensure this process flows appropriately to the ledger and does not cause unforeseen issues.
UCR Purchase Order Detail Report Enhancements
The " UCR Purchase Order Detail Report" has been enhanced with additional details and functionality! Notably, PCards can now be excluded from queries when running the report.
To explore the new features and column headers, click the button below to watch Linda Casteel's demonstration from the May User Group meeting.
WATCH NOW!<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11288477&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>
Supplier Reports
The " Prospective Supplier_Payee Status Summary Report (Department)" in Oracle Financials allows you to check if a supplier is spend-authorized or to review their status in the setup process. Access it under Tools > Reports & Analytics > Browse Catalog > Shared Folders > Custom > UCR > Reports > Supply Chain > Procurement > BI.
To run the report, select the Supplier/Payee name and/or number from the dropdown and click Apply. If you're unsure if a supplier is in the system or a request has been submitted:
1. Check if the supplier is spend-authorized in Oracle Financials (guidance<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=111FFEF6&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>) or verify their status using the " Prospective Supplier Payee Status Summary Report."
2. For suppliers needing support to complete the process, additional resources are available on the Training<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=111FFEF7&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> resources webpage.
Do not submit a new registration request if one has already been submitted. To check the status of a supplier/payee request or see if another department has requested the supplier/payee, run the " UCR Supplier Registration Status Summary Report" in Oracle Financials. For further assistance, contact the concierge team<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=111FFEF8&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>.
EACS & Oracle Financials Provisioning Synchronization Fixed
EACS roles for Oracle Financials provisioned early during deployment (June - August 2023) had synchronization errors affecting access to certain accountability structures. Consequently, some users were not added to departmental workflows for requisition, PO, and invoice approvals. The root cause was identified and fixed in 2023, and data cleanup has ensured that EACS and Oracle Financials are now fully synced. Users should now have full access to their respective EACS provisionings in Oracle Financials.
Guidelines for Cost Sharing
Cost share projects established can be used to incur expenditures and are available to use for costs transfers. The current design has only one cost-sharing project (099) with the following parameters:
1. One project organization is allowed on a cost sharing project.
2. A function code override can be implemented, but only one function code can be associated with a project.
3. A cost sharing project can have several UCR internal funding sources. If there are more than one internal funding sources, please provide the remaining cost sharing commitment broken down by fund source.
4. The activity and function must be the same for all funding sources; it may be necessary to rebudget in Oracle Budget to properly align all cost sharing sources under the same activity and function—this rebudgeting can be tracked using Flex1 and Flex2 with the default/zero project.
Cost Sharing on Converted Awards
As part of conversion this was defaulted to the internal funding source of 19900. Initially, many of the budgets were set at $1 because that is the amount that was required to expend. Once the budget was set, then it was possible to start incurring expenses with the 99 record and the 19900 fund (default). This allowed for the recording of costs under that cost sharing project.
The cost sharing budget on converted awards was only a dollar because a cost sharing report that went through 6/30/2023 was needed. EMF needs the cost share report through 6/30/2023 to show the balance remaining on the cost share so the budget as of 7/1/2023 could be created in PPM.
For example, if your cost sharing commitment was $10,000, and in the old UCRFS environment you had already met $5,000 of it, the balance as of 7/1/2023 will be $5,000 and that amount will be allocated to the cost share project in PPM.
Cost Sharing on New Awards
A link to a Kuali Build form is in the Campus Award Notice email. The department must complete it within two business days to specify the cost-sharing fund source.
If an award and the related project include cost sharing, submit the cost sharing chart string segments (activity-fund-function-program) that should be used in PPM by submitting the " Chart of Accounts – Sponsored Awards (for Cost Sharing and/or Default Override)" Kuali Build form within two business days of the notification to avoid setup delays. The form is available here<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11200948&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>.
The Budget Process
All units need to participate in the Budget Process this year. With the new Rollover process consolidating cash balances to BC75, the main focus is for units to budget Rollover (carryforward) in other BCs if you anticipate the need to activate COAs for expenses starting July 1. This involves creating a deficit in BC75 and offsetting it in other BCs. Remember, BC35 and BC36 are not consolidated to BC75. Save all your work, as anything done here will be part of your execution actions for FY25.
The budget process is now open for units to budget Rollover balances. Detail codes for student awards are reviewed against budget in July and so any details codes that are planned to be used in FY25, need to have budget established in the COA in the budget process with a $1 InterOrg transfer to Grad Division or UG Financial Aid. See our website<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=112858BF&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> for a guide and video overview.
The Budget Process: Perm Budget
The perm budget adjustment page is labeled as a December snapshot, but due to the late start, we've used the May 1 Perm Budget Data as a base and starting point. This year, there's no expectation for you to take action in this tab. Feel free to explore and provide feedback. None of this data will flow to execution.
The Budget Process: Rollover Guidelines
When budgeting the rollover, if you don't see the COA you need to impact, similar to the control budget adjustment section in execution, you can add an adjustment row here.
All values created from the budget process will offset against your actual Rollover in FY25 execution. Overestimating your rollover will create a deficit in BC75 when the true rollover value is offset against the deficit you created. This can be corrected with a budget adjustment in execution in the new fiscal year.
Key Budget Deadlines
As we approach the new fiscal year, there are a number of deadlines which are important to keep in mind.
May Staffing*
Snapshot Date: May 31
Final Day for Changes: June 14 (Oracle Budget & BDP)
Start-up Reports
May 31
Commitment Requests
May 31
Budget Process
Open May 30 through June 21
June Staffing
Snapshot Date: June 15
Final Day for Changes: June 14 (Oracle Budget & BDP)
CBR Reconciliation
June 17
* May Staffing: Historically, FP&A takes a staffing snapshot on May 31. Apologies for any missed communication. This snapshot is used as a preliminary for close, so if the May deadline was unknown, there is no issue. It will be used as a guide to reach out to units for the June 14 expectations. Ensure out-of-balance items are cleared by June 14.
Invalid COA Combinations in GradESS
Units were entering invalid Chart of Accounts (COA) combinations in GradESS, such as pairing a financial aid BC with a non-financial aid function, or vice versa. These entries bypassed the system rules and led to incorrect postings. When units tried to clear these deficits via intra-org adjustments, the system correctly disallowed these combinations. FP&A has corrected these entries.
Moving forward, ensure that COAs entered into GradESS use only Financial Aid BCs with the Financial Aid function.
PERM Adjustments in Oracle Budget with Cents
Oracle Budget currently allows PERM adjustments (inter and intra) with cents, which should not be permitted. We are updating the system rules to prevent this and will make necessary corrections on the backend before fiscal close.
Non-Payroll Cost Transfer (NCT) Thresholds
The form and instructions for completing a Manual Exceptional Non-Payroll Cost Transfer request to reverse erroneous USE TAX charges are available here<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=1122676B&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>. Please note that Accounting will only process journals for the reversal of use tax of $5 or more on non-C&G fund sources and $1 or more on C&G fund sources.
Web Recharge: Significant Progress and Upcoming Enhancements
The Web Recharge Work Order System has significantly progressed, with 115 service providers created in production. As of May 28, 67 service providers have billed over 17,000 charges. Efforts to improve the system continue. The team is troubleshooting a credit memo issue to ensure accurate transactions. Template billing is being developed to streamline the process, and a new form for requesting additional service providers is being created. Stay tuned for updates!
Payroll Certification System
Development work on Payroll Certifications is underway, with central office testing expected to commence soon.
Stay Informed with the Known Issues Tracker
Check the Known Issues Tracker<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=111E679C&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> for the latest information and guidance on financial process and report issues. This resource is regularly updated to provide recommendations for improving your financial operations.
Ticket Tip: Speed Up Your Response Time!
For faster responses, when you submit a ticket, please make sure you include the complete Chart of Accounts (COA) being used or reconciled and specify the source of your data or transaction error. For example, this could consist of a copy of an FTDR Report with the relevant expenses highlighted, an extract from Looker, or a screenshot of the Oracle Financials page where the transaction issue occurs.
User Group Meetings Moving to Quarterly Schedule
User Group meetings will shift to a quarterly schedule in the new fiscal year. If you missed the May User Group, recordings and slide decks are available at Recorded Events<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=112011E6&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>.
The lastest news for Oracle Financials (ERP, OFC), Oracle Budget (EPM), Concur Travel & Expense (Concur), Kuali (Research, Build, Sponsored Programs), Financial Boundary Systems and Reporting. Delivering timely information that matters to you!
Visit Our Website<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=111E67A2&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> | Read Archived Newsletters<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=111E67A3&e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>
View this email in your browser<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/v?e=181BB5C&c=158834&t=0&l=FDE70BBE&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D>
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