[Msoadm] Reminder - Impact23 User Group Meeting on May 30th

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Wed May 29 00:14:31 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to the next Impact23 User Group meeting, which is scheduled for Thursday, May 30, at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will be hosted online via Zoom, and you can join us at the following link: https://ucr.zoom.us/j/95434018107.

Meeting topics:

  *   Fiscal & Monthly Close
  *   Boundary System, including Web Recharge
  *   Known Issues, such as transaction posting delays
  *   Functional Area Updates (e.g., Procure to Pay, Contracts & Grants, Budget, etc.)
  *   And more!

Please note that User Group meetings will shift to a quarterly schedule in the new fiscal year. For updates on events, refer to the Impact23 Calendar<https://impact23.ucr.edu/impact23-calendar>. Additionally, if you could not attend the March User Group meeting, the recording is available here<https://ucr.zoom.us/rec/share/I5iDCo7lAvJom7XwqsLXGlINRqawzXVBRfTukwAVv2SXFEa6HCFysa90c6VpoMCH.efzm_3GPJbTiRHuf>.

We look forward to your participation.
Asirra Suguitan
Associate Vice Chancellor and Campus Controller
Business & Financial Services

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