[Msoadm] September 2024 Monthly close and Reports

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Fri Nov 1 15:01:51 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

September 2024 month end ledger is now officially closed.  The related Financial Transaction Detail Reports (FTDR) and Prime PI Summary reports for 2024-09 have been published and are available in R'Space under the Tools section "Financial Web Reports<https://finwebreports.ucr.edu/>".

Some notes and reminders about September reports:

  *   LRSS reconciliations are due 12/1/2024 with certifications due by 12/15/2024
  *   Budgets reflected on the September 2024 FTD Reports for non-project COAs will not include carryforward balances as those did not feed to Oracle Financials until October. Please focus on reconciling actuals when using FTD reports.  Carryforward balances should be accurately reflected in Looker and may be used to reconcile provided the entire FY2025 is included in the query criteria and not limited to the period for non-project COA chart strings.
  *   Contract and Grant Project Budgets are not impacted by the new year budget carryforward process in Oracle GL (with the exception of cost sharing). The contract and grant budgets are inception to date and are recorded in the PPM module of Oracle. This means, the GL control budget, FTD and ITD reports for contract and grant projects should be accurately reflected.  We are currently investigated reported discrepancies of the budget in Looker.

As issues are identified, please consult the Known Issues<https://bfs.ucr.edu/support> webpage, and report any new concerns by submitting a ticket using the Impact23 support site: https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/finadmin_portal .

Thanks for your continued patience and support.


Asirra Suguitan
Associate Vice Chancellor and Campus Controller
Business and Financial Services (BFS) | Accounting Office

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