[Msoadm] Strike Notices: AFSCME, February 26, 27 and UPTE, February 26, 27, 28

Mariela E Bridges mariela.bridges at ucr.edu
Fri Feb 14 14:33:58 PST 2025

[Blue text on a black background  AI-generated content may be incorrect.]
Confidential Management Communication
February 14, 2025
To:       Managers, Supervisors, Business Officers and Human Resources Officers
From:   Jonathan Connolly, Director of Employee and Labor Relations
Re:       Strike Notices: AFSCME, February 26, 27 and UPTE, February 26, 27, 28
Good afternoon,
Today we received the attached strike notices from AFSCME and UPTE. EX and SX workers will strike on February 26-27. HX, RX, and TX workers will strike February 26-28.
Please prepare for work stoppages and disruptions throughout campus. Please consider how essential services will be delivered in the event of work stoppages and inform us of any impact to services that need to be communicated to campus.  We will follow up with a business services communication in the coming days.
Any questions from employees about negotiations, union activities, and strike related activities should be directed to union representatives. Nothing prevents managers from engaging in normal conversations with employees concerning subjects unrelated to the strike or union membership.
Please document attendance. If any employee does not report to work as assigned, UC will presume - absent prior authorization or medical certification - that their work absence during a strike period is strike related. Employees' pay will be docked for absences during the strike unless the employee is on authorized leave or taking vacation approved prior to the strike by department management. Sick leave may not be used during this period unless employees submit a statement from a physician verifying they were medically unable to work on the days in question. If an employee calls in sick on the day of the strike, the supervisor should inform the employee they will need to provide a doctor's note confirming illness on that day. Requests for medical documentation cannot be requested after the employee returns to work. (Note: Approved family medical leave and disability accommodation absences remain in effect and additional documentation should not be requested.)
As is always the case, authorization for an absence from work (e.g., vacation leave or compensatory time) may or may not be granted, depending on operational necessity and without regard to the employee's reason for the requested leave.
During the strike, please report any violations of the University's Time, Place, and Manner policy<https://policyking.ucr.edu/home/policy/66cf77528d54f6db8c3cb3d9> to labor.relations at ucr.edu<mailto:labor.relations at ucr.edu>.  Please do not interfere with the strike, discourage striking or retaliate against striking workers, poll workers on their plans to strike, or surveil strike activities. Employee and Labor Relations will be on location during the strike to respond to any issues.
Please feel free to reach out to labor.relations at ucr.edu<mailto:labor.relations at ucr.edu> with any questions or concerns. If short-term contracting out is needed for EX or SX units, please contact Cassandra.Serrato at ucr.edu<mailto:Cassandra.Serrato at ucr.edu>.


Jonathan Connolly

Director, Employee and Labor Relations

University of California, Riverside

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