[Students] Fall Break Message from the Dean of Students

Deanofstudents deanofstudents at ucr.edu
Wed Nov 24 13:54:38 PST 2021

Hello Highlanders!

As your Dean of Students, I want to express how proud I am of you! I want to take this moment to ensure that you know how wonderful you are doing this quarter. You have overcome many challenges to return to campus and you deserve a moment to take a breath and relax. We are about to take a pivotal break. Fall break is a moment to reflect and rejuvenate before you return to finish the quarter. Whether you’re staying in the Riverside area or traveling, please be safe. We are still in the midst of a pandemic so please practice safety precautions. If you are stayi​ng in the local Riverside area, remember that we are Highlanders both on and off-campus, so please be mindful of your neighbors. Our neighbors still have to work and take care of their families during our fall break. I know our local community will appreciate you being a good neighbor.

Remember that we are in your corner and we are rooting for you. I truly believe that you are the best of UC Riverside. So, enjoy the well-deserved break and be safe. Let us know how we can support your journey. Free free to reach out to deanofstudents at ucr.edu and let us know how we can support you. Thank you so much for being amazing and Go Highlanders!

Best Regards,

Christine Mata, Ph.D.

Associate Vice Chancellor

Dean of Students

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