[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Weekly Reminder: COVID-19 Daily Wellness Check and Hotline

COVID19 Support COVID19 at medsch.ucr.edu
Mon Oct 26 09:20:09 PDT 2020

UCR COVID-19 Wellness Hotline (844-UCR-6UCR)
University employees are required to contact the UCR COVID-19 Wellness hotline if you test positive for COVID-19, have COVID-19 related symptoms, or have been exposed to someone known to have COVID-19.

Daily Wellness Check
All employees who are working in campus owned or leased facilities are required to complete the COVID-19 Daily Wellness Check Survey (http://wellnesscheck.ucr.edu).

Employees are required to complete the survey on all days when they will be working in campus facilities. Please complete this task before coming to work. The survey should take about 30 seconds to complete. More information about this process is at https://ehs.ucr.edu/coronavirus/symptoms-tool.<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ehs.ucr.edu_coronavirus_symptoms-2Dtool&d=DwMFAg&c=LsLxleeqPm1pgCNn-PN_bQ&r=DVuYMim0MHu9at-6K7xIOpqzsFuCI_3qmhydLMERKt8&m=Je9Z4kEGCcHrpJDuKpNBXHT7wav8rI0XdtZgRJb9UQA&s=X2t3aBAkM-e2XFWQyFFa3XfrEcJKY8DiFzj2sryptZs&e=>


Employees working on campus who develop symptoms during the work day should, immediately self-isolate, notify their supervisor (from a distance), go home and fill out the Daily Wellness Check again.

Certificate of Clearance
- If the survey provides you with clearance to work, you will receive a certificate via email.
- This certificate expires at the end of the day/shift the survey is taken.
- If you experience symptoms after receiving clearance to work, including when you are at your workplace, you should complete the survey again and notify your supervisor.

Additional Guidance
- If you are unable to complete the survey before coming to work, please make arrangements with your supervisor to complete the survey immediately upon your arrival.
- If you have general questions about your symptoms or COVID-19, please call your primary care physician.
- If you have severe symptoms such as confusion, severe dehydration or worsening difficulty breathing, go to the ER immediately and/or dial 9-1-1.
- If you are unsure if you should go to the ER, you can call your primary care physician to schedule an urgent Telehealth visit.

Employee Information on confirmed (positive) campus cases for the week of October 18, 2020:

*        October 23, 2020: A staff member who has not worked on campus since October 21st.

Thank you

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