[Ucrfacultyandstaff] COVID-19 vaccine update

Communications communications at ucr.edu
Fri Feb 19 10:15:53 PST 2021

Dear Campus Community:

The task of vaccinating hundreds of millions of people would be complex at any time. It is especially difficult when executing this effort for the first time with infrastructure that varies by state, county, and health system. UC Riverside continues to rely on incremental decision-making, using the best information available to take the next step. This message follows announcements last month after the arrival of our first COVID-19 vaccines at UCR Health and provides an update about vaccine availability both on and off campus.

We continue to receive a limited supply of vaccines at UCR Health, which are being offered to patients, health workers, and on-campus employees in accordance with California prioritization protocol<https://covid19.ca.gov/vaccines/>. Our vaccination program has now expanded to include UCR employees ages 65 and older.

Most employees and students will be vaccinated through their healthcare providers. If you are eligible, please be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to receive the vaccine through county vaccination clinics, your healthcare provider, or local pharmacies, instead of waiting for UCR to receive additional vaccines. I was notified by my healthcare provider that I was eligible to receive the vaccine<https://youtu.be/YlitpO_UGbY> off campus and elected to avail myself of the opportunity.

Additional COVID-19 vaccine providers in Riverside County can be found here<https://www.rivcoph.org/COVID-19-Vaccine> (please confirm your eligibility directly with the vaccination site).

Once we fulfill our commitment to each priority tier on campus, we can begin vaccinating the next groups of eligible recipients. If you become eligible to receive a vaccine on campus UCR Health will notify you directly with a survey form to schedule an appointment. Once you complete the form you will receive an automated message confirming your appointment. Note that first dose appointments are typically scheduled in the mornings, and second dose appointments are scheduled in the afternoons.

As a reminder, the university can only confirm whether you are working on campus regularly if you fill out the Wellness Check<http://wellnesscheck.ucr.edu/> form prior to coming to work at a UCR facility. It’s critical that you fill out the form every day that you are working on campus. Please note that the offer of on-campus vaccinations cannot be extended to family members.

Please continue to frequently visit our vaccines website<https://campusreturn.ucr.edu/vaccines> for information, FAQs, and resources on vaccine eligibility, safety, and effectiveness.

While vaccinations are a critical tool in fighting the pandemic, we must also continue following health and safety protocols to keep ourselves and our communities safe. Please continue to wear a mask when you leave home, maintain a minimum of 6 feet of distance when in public, practice diligent hand hygiene, and self-monitor and follow guidance if you develop a fever or other symptoms.

The health and safety of our campus community remain a priority, guiding our actions. We will continue to provide updates as the situation changes.

Stay healthy,

Kim A. Wilcox,
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