[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Chancellor’s Update—August 2022

Chancellor chancellor at ucr.edu
Thu Aug 25 09:07:28 PDT 2022

Dear Campus Community,

“The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning.”
--Author Natalie Babbitt in “Tuck Everlasting”

Before that metaphorical Ferris wheel returns us to the ground for the beginning of a new school year, I hope each of you finds opportunities to rest and recharge.

In this month’s update, I’ve noted some of the other ways we are planning and preparing for a fall that includes activities and gatherings unavailable to us during the last two years. As we close out one season, we look forward to celebrating the beginning of the next.

Faculty and Staff Picnic
The Faculty and Staff Picnic returns! Please join me for a picnic lunch to kick-off the new academic year on Thursday, Sept. 8 from 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. on the lawn in front of Hinderaker Hall.

Complimentary boxed lunches will be served and you can pick up dessert at the UC Riverside Staff Assembly booth. Tables and seating will be available to enjoy lunch outdoors while socializing with colleagues.

To ensure that we order enough food, please RSVP no later than Sept. 1. Please register here<https://myadv.ucr.edu/forms/picnic2022> using Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari (as Internet Explorer is not supported).

If you have any questions, please email specialevents at ucr.edu<mailto:specialevents at ucr.edu>.

We look forward to seeing you at the picnic!

Student Move-In
Our university will welcome approximately 7,500 incoming first-year and transfer students for fall quarter. Many of these students will begin their UCR journey by moving into our campus residence halls and apartments.

This year move-in will occur Saturday, Sept. 17 through Sunday, Sept. 18, from 6 a.m.-5 p.m. each day.

Volunteers are needed to staff the following shifts on one or both days.

6-10 a.m.
7-11 a.m.
8 a.m.-Noon
9 a.m.-1 p.m.
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Noon-4 p.m.
1-5 p.m.

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer for either Saturday, Sept. 17 or Sunday, Sept. 18, please complete the online sign-up form<https://forms.gle/mMiGCg3DKE4KUH6SA>.

For additional questions, please email vcsa at ucr.edu<mailto:vcsa at ucr.edu>.

After living through a pandemic, news about the MPX (Monkeypox) virus has generated unease, especially among vulnerable populations. However, the differences between COVID-19 and MPX transmission, vaccination, and treatment are significant.

As such, we will be prepared to address MPX this fall as part of our standard operations, but our overall response will be different than our response to COVID-19.

More information about MPX is available in this FAQ<https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/mpx-faq.html>. The UCOP Fall Planning Group/Health Coordinating Committee has developed systemwide guidance<https://ucop.edu/uc-health/_files/uc-systemwide-mpx-guidance.pdf> as well. I would encourage you to read both items to learn more about the disease and the University of California’s response.

Research spotlight
There’s always more news in research and scholarship than I can share, but among the recent advancements are a discovery that may help treat baldness<https://news.ucr.edu/articles/2022/07/25/chemical-controlling-life-and-death-hair-follicles>, an NSF grant to train STEM graduate students in sustainable transportation research<https://news.ucr.edu/articles/2022/07/05/nsf-funded-project-aims-enhance-stem-graduate-training-sustainable>, and the impact of electronic cigarettes<https://news.ucr.edu/articles/2022/07/12/switching-tobacco-e-cigarettes-does-not-reverse-respiratory-epithelium-damage> on epithelium.

Coffee with Presidents
In last month’s update, I mentioned the exciting news that UCR was one of the schools featured in an episode of next season’s “The College Tour.” As part of that filming, I was fortunate to record a “Coffee with the President” segment<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVgAve-N4QQ> to share thoughts about why UCR is such an amazing place. Some of what we discussed was UCR’s emphasis on student success. As we prepare for another year, thank you for being part of a community that is so dedicated to our students.

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