[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Reinstating Indoor Masking for Two Weeks

Communications communications at ucr.edu
Fri May 27 15:42:35 PDT 2022

Dear Campus Community,

In consultation with UC Riverside’s Public Health Advisory Committee, campus leadership, the Academic Senate, and other UC campuses, we have elected to temporarily reinstate UC Riverside’s indoor mask mandate, starting Monday, May 30. From May 30 through June 13, face coverings will be required in indoor spaces on campus and in university owned or operated venues.

Case numbers have been increasing on campus and throughout the state and we are entering a period of large indoor gatherings during finals and Commencement. This decision is designed to decrease the likelihood of COVID-19 transmission through the end of spring quarter.

All indoor spaces on campus, including research spaces, are subject to the face coverings requirement. We are reverting to the campus protocols that our community followed prior to the indoor mask mandate being lifted early in spring quarter, with a couple of exceptions.

Exceptions include:

  *   Performing arts rehearsals and performances: Students, faculty, and staff who must remove their masks during indoor music and performing arts rehearsals involving wind instruments, singing, etc. may continue to do so. Masks must be worn in indoor rehearsal spaces when not actively practicing, rehearsing, or performing.
  *   Indoor Dining: Those dining indoors may remove their masks while eating or drinking.
  *   Indoor Commencement Ceremonies: All attendees must wear masks indoors, including volunteers and guests. Commencement speakers may remove their masks to deliver their remarks. Graduates may remove their masks while walking across the stage and while being photographed on or adjacent to the stage.

Employees can get free surgical and N95 masks through Environmental Health & Safety<https://ehs.ucr.edu/coronavirus/facecoverings>. The Well<https://well.ucr.edu/covid-wellness-kits-masks-and-information> is providing free masks for students.

Thank you to each member of our campus community who has continued to adjust as COVID-19 public health guidance has evolved. We are grateful for your collective efforts toward the health and well-being of our community.


Elizabeth Watkins,
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

Gerry Bomotti,
Vice Chancellor for Planning, Budget, and Administration
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