[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer Transition

Chancellor chancellor at ucr.edu
Mon Dec 2 09:48:57 PST 2024

Dear Campus Community,

Gerry Bomotti, vice chancellor for planning, budget, and administration, has informed me of his intentions to retire from UC Riverside. While his retirement date is not yet finalized, I anticipate that it will occur in February or March of 2025.

When I announced Gerry’s appointment in 2017, I noted that his experience put him in the very top tier of finance and operations executives in American higher education. His contributions to UCR have proven that assessment to be true.

He has been an integral part of the university’s continued transformation, establishing fiscal discipline, overseeing a massive expansion in campus construction and beautification of the campus, and stewarding increased investments from the state of California.

He also has been a steady hand in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, ups and downs in the economy and state funding, and the creation of our Long-Range Development Plan that guides our expansion over the next decade.

I will announce plans for identifying the next Vice Chancellor in the coming weeks.

Please join me in thanking Gerry for his many contributions to the university and wishing him well in his retirement.


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Kim A. Wilcox
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