[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Interim Guidance in Addressing Discrimination & Offering Support

Provost provost at ucr.edu
Fri Feb 2 11:03:56 PST 2024

Dear Campus Community,
The University of California and UC Riverside are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive campus community free from discrimination. This includes protecting all members of our community, regardless of their religion, ancestry, national origin, or any other protected characteristic, and this commitment extends to Arab, Jewish, Israeli, Muslim, and Palestinian members of our community. We are writing to communicate that the University of California<https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/4000376/DiscHarassAffirmAction> and UC Riverside<https://policyking.ucr.edu/home/policy/6539d1030ad0f868b86637d6> non-discrimination policies protect against discriminatory conduct that occurs on campus, in connection with UC employment, or denies access to UCR programs and activities.

If you have experienced or are aware of harassment or discrimination because of religion, ancestry, national origin, or any other protected characteristic, please report it to UCR's Office of Title IX, Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action (Title IX/EO) online at i-Sight<https://uctitleix.i-sight.com/portal/Riverside> or via email titleix at ucr.edu<mailto:titleix at ucr.edu>.

Harassment is defined as unwelcome speech or other conduct based on a protected characteristic that is intimidating, hostile, or offensive and that is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile environment.

Discrimination is defined as adverse, unequal treatment based on a protected characteristic.

If you are a supervisor or manager, faculty member, resident assistant, teaching assistant, or a Human Resources or Academic Personnel Office professional, please take the following steps if you receive a complaint or report of discrimination or harassment:

  *   Notify Title IX/EO if you receive a complaint or report of discrimination or harassment or otherwise have information that someone affiliated with the university has engaged in discrimination or harassment.
  *   Consult with Title IX/EO before responding to a complaint or incident of discrimination or retaliation.
When Title IX/EO receives a report, professional staff assess it and typically reach out to the person reported to have experienced the discrimination or harassment (if they are identified) to offer supportive services and resources and to collect additional information. If the report alleges conduct that violates our policies, Title IX/EO will explore resolution options.
In cases where the reported conduct is expression protected by the First Amendment or academic freedom, UCR will still, when appropriate, take reasonable steps to mitigate the effects and prevent the creation of a hostile environment.
To learn more, check our Frequently Asked Questions about discrimination<https://compliance.ucr.edu/frequently-asked-questions> and other information available on the Title IX/EO website<https://compliance.ucr.edu/office-title-ix-equal-opportunity-affirmative-action>.

Thank you for taking the time to learn and follow this guidance.


Elizabeth Watkins
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor

Kiersten Boyce
Chief Compliance Officer

Alex Nájera
Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Human Resources Officer

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