[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Provost's spring campus update

Provost provost at ucr.edu
Mon Jun 3 09:56:27 PDT 2024

Dear Campus Community,

One year ago, I wrote to announce the official launch of our campus strategic plan, UCR 2030. Today, I'm pleased to announce that we have completed the annual update to UCR 2030. I presented the update at the May 21st division meeting of the Academic Senate, and we have scheduled a Zoom town hall for a similar presentation to staff (and faculty who may have missed the Senate meeting) on June 11th at 2:00 pm. I encourage you to visit the UCR 2030 website<https://strategicplan.ucr.edu/> to read about the progress made on initiatives in the campus strategic plan and the strategic plans of our academic and administrative units.

I'd also like to call your attention to some upcoming changes around campus. Several offices and units have moved or are moving their locations. Thanks to the combined effects of the opening of the new School of Business building<https://app.truelook.cloud/dashboard/14662/16027/live?code=4wlqbwsyjox9jh4f194m820e4>, the purchase of an office building at 1420 Iowa Avenue<https://insideucr.ucr.edu/stories/2023/09/06/ucr-buys-office-building>, and an increase in remote/hybrid work<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-resources/remote-hybrid-work>, we have been able to reassign space to better suit the needs of our campus community. The following moves will be completed or in progress when the academic year resumes in the fall:

  *   Public Policy expands its footprint to include space on the third floor of Olmsted
  *   CNAS consolidates its dean's office (including Finance, HR, and Development) on the second floor of Olmsted, as Business vacates to move into the new building
  *   Library and Graduate Division collaborate on the provision of space for graduate student teaching assistants on the first floor of Rivera Library
  *   Enrollment Services consolidates its units (Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid) on the third floor of the Student Services Building
  *   Undergraduate Education and International Affairs move to the second floor of the Student Services Building
  *   University Advancement consolidates its University Relations, Development, and Administrative units at Iowa Avenue
  *   Human Resources moves to the first floor of Hinderaker
  *   Office of Civil Rights (Compliance, Title IX) moves to the first floor of Hinderaker
  *   Vice Provost of Administrative Resolution (VPAR) moves to the second floor of Hinderaker
  *   Audit Services moves to Iowa Avenue
  *   Space vacated by Audit, Civil Rights, and International Affairs in Skye Hall is populated by faculty and staff from Math, Engineering, and Education.

Lastly, the recommendations from the Final Report of the UC system-wide Mitigating COVID-19 Impacts on Faculty Working Group (MCIF-WG) can be found here <https://academicpersonnel.ucr.edu/sites/default/files/2024-05/aro-wg-final-rpt-letter-3-28-24.pdf> and here<https://academicpersonnel.ucr.edu/sites/default/files/2024-05/final-report-of-the-aro-principles-working-group-nov-2023.pdf>. Each campus is asked to engage departments in considering how to apply and customize Achievement Relative to Opportunity (ARO) principles to various circumstances during the academic personnel review process that extend beyond the impact of the pandemic. To this end, Vice Provost of Academic Personnel Dan Jeske and I will be hosting a series of faculty thinktank lunches in the fall to address the report's recommendations. Senate members: Please keep an eye out in September for your invitation to participate.

I wish you all the best for the summer, and I look forward to seeing you back on campus in a few months.



Elizabeth Watkins, PhD (she / her / hers)
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Professor of History
University of California, Riverside
951.827.1129 | Elizabeth.Watkins at UCR.edu<mailto:Elizabeth.Watkins at UCR.edu>

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