[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Agreement to peacefully end encampment on campus

Chancellor chancellor at ucr.edu
Fri May 3 11:34:41 PDT 2024

Dear Campus Community,

Since Wednesday, several UC Riverside campus leaders have been meeting with the leaders of the student encampment on campus. These meetings have been productive, civil, and representative of multiple points of view on how to reach a resolution.

I am pleased to share that we have reached an agreement that will result in the peaceful conclusion of the encampment by no later than midnight tonight. Please click here<https://documents.ucr.edu/chancellor/May_3_ammended-agreement.pdf> to view the full agreement, which will be carried out consistent with state and federal law.

It has been my goal to resolve this matter peacefully and I am encouraged by this outcome - which was generated through constructive dialogue.

UCR values students' right to practice peaceful free speech, as well as our Principles of Community and the safety of our students, staff, faculty, and visitors.

This agreement does not change the realities of the war in Gaza, or the need to address antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of bias and discrimination; however, I am grateful that we can have constructive and peaceful conversations on how to address these complex issues.

Thank you to every member of our campus community who has navigated the complexities of this week's events with patience, grace, and civility.


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Kim A. Wilcox

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