[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Message from the Chancellor

Chancellor chancellor at ucr.edu
Thu Sep 19 09:00:10 PDT 2024

Dear Campus Community,

Just over eleven years ago, Diane and I arrived in Riverside. We knew little about the Inland Empire and were initially struck by the stark landscapes of the Box Springs Mountains under the August sun. However, as we entered the UC Riverside campus, it felt like stepping into a lush oasis. That first year, every experience was a delightful discovery, and soon Riverside and UCR felt like home, capturing our hearts.

Many of you have heard me describe universities as collections of talented individuals. Indeed, it is the students, staff, and faculty who bring a university to life. I quickly grew to admire the people who comprise UCR and found immense inspiration in our community's cooperative spirit and mutual support, always striving to uplift the collective. Each day produced exciting new research discoveries. Alumni, regional leaders, and friends brought additional vibrancy to this great university.
With deep affection for all that UCR represents, I share with you my intention to retire as Chancellor next summer.

I have discussed my decision with President Drake and the Board of Regents. They plan to initiate the search for my successor in the coming weeks.

As Chancellor, it has been my privilege to champion UCR, celebrating our achievements together. These accomplishments include doubling research funding, completing our first comprehensive campaign, increasing total enrollment 24%, expanding the faculty by 30%, and adding 2.4 million square feet of new buildings. I am grateful for the opportunity to have represented you and showcased our combined success.

While I take pride in our achievements, I am even prouder of the fact that we have upheld our core values.

From its inception, UC Riverside has been committed to combining academic excellence and accessibility. As a result, our student body is arguably the most talented and diverse in the nation. Our values-driven success has gained national recognition, reshaping the dialogue about higher education. The old adage that “You can be an excellent university, or you can be an inclusive university, but not both!” no longer holds true. UCR has redefined the standards for what universities can achieve.

I will miss the daily interactions on campus with each of you. Yet, I believe it is time for the next Chancellor to have the honor to lead the campus. While I hope my efforts have contributed positively to UCR, I know that UCR has enriched my life. The friendships forged and lessons learned here will be a part of me forever.

Thank you for the honor and privilege of serving as your Chancellor. I will forever hold dear the memories of our time together at UCR.


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Kim A. Wilcox
[Chancellors Office Signature Logo]
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