[Ug-students] Potential Instructional Disruption

Vcsa vcsa at ucr.edu
Sat Nov 12 09:45:05 PST 2022

Dear UCR students,

We are writing to inform you that the union representing graduate student workers (the UAW) has voted to go on strike starting Monday, November 14, at every campus in the University of California system. These workers include Teaching Assistants (TAs), postdocs, Graduate Student Researchers, and undergraduate academic employees (e.g., learning assistants, tutors, readers, graders). Please know that on-going negotiations are occurring with the union to avoid a work stoppage, and the University remains optimistic that an agreement will be reached before Monday.

If an agreement is not reached, it is expected that at least some of these workers will not report to work. Despite this potential disruption, classes have not been cancelled, offices will be open, and the campus will provide normal services to support student success. Unless you hear otherwise from your instructor of record, please plan to attend your classes on Monday and throughout next week and complete any scheduled assignments or exams.

As we enter the final weeks of the quarter we understand that this disruption might lead to additional stress for our students.  Please know that we are deeply committed to your success as a student. If you need assistance, please reach out to UCR's Counseling and Psychological Services<https://ask.ucr.edu/counseling-and-psychological-services-caps> (CAPS) at 951-827-5531.

Finally, you might encounter graduate students or other members of the UCR community picketing or protesting on campus starting next week. We ask that you adhere to our Principles of Community<https://chancellor.ucr.edu/sites/default/files/2019-01/community.pdf> as you navigate the campus.

As updates become available we will keep you informed.


Brian Haynes, Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

Ken Baerenklau, Ph.D.

Interim Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education

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