[Faculty] Faculty Survey On Fall Instruction - Please Participate!

Provost provost at ucr.edu
Thu Feb 4 08:59:01 PST 2021

Dear Faculty,
As I mentioned in my recent campus update<https://provost.ucr.edu/blog/2021/01/16/winter-2021-provost-campus-update>, we are hopeful to return to mostly in-person instruction in fall 2021. We are currently in the early stages of planning - addressing questions about expected health and safety protocols in the fall, how public health guidance might evolve as vaccinations increase, and implications for our in-person instruction capacity. Our goal is to have a detailed plan in place by early May when students begin registering for fall quarter classes. We will continue to keep you updated as decisions are made and as we work towards that plan.

At this time, your views are critical to help inform and guide our planning. Please spend around 5 minutes responding to this brief survey so we can better understand your views on fall quarter instruction: Fall 2021 Instructor Survey<https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0OslQ4k1g9K3Zoq>

Your responses are anonymous and will be shared with campus and Academic Senate leaders, department chairs, and program directors who are or will be engaged in our planning efforts.

Please respond by Friday February 12 - thank you!


Thomas M. Smith, Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
4148 Hinderaker Hall
University of California, Riverside
*: 951.827.1129 | *: provost at ucr.edu<mailto:provost at ucr.edu>

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