[Faculty] Research Ramp-up updates
Imran Ghori
imran.ghori at ucr.edu
Wed Jun 30 16:59:45 PDT 2021
Dear Campus Research Community,
The Chancellor recently announced the new guidelines in place regarding COVID 19 precautions and restrictions<https://insideucr.ucr.edu/announcements/2021/06/23/campus-and-workplace-covid-update>.
In particular, labs and research facilities are now allowed to function at 100% capacity, provided new Worksite Specific Plans<https://ehs.ucr.edu/coronavirus/worksite_specific_plan> (WSSPs) are submitted and approved, or WSSPs are updated to include additional lab personnel or additional research activities.
To further elaborate on this announcement, we are providing an updated matrix<https://campusreturn.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm4671/files/2021-06/UCRRiskMatrixforHSR062921.pdf> to help define the lessened restrictions regarding research with human subjects.
Visitors, whether human subjects, visiting scholars, or industry partners, are also permitted on campus. Please include them in your Worksite Specific Plan and develop a protocol for ensuring that they follow campus procedures, such as using the Daily Wellness Survey for Research Participants<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com_jfe_form_SV-5F7ONCp2KgqjKapNk&d=DwMGaQ&c=LsLxleeqPm1pgCNn-PN_bQ&r=DVuYMim0MHu9at-6K7xIOpqzsFuCI_3qmhydLMERKt8&m=AhtxuOwzNfOBtKhgbJbiUWRDUlIwj_-qWy1r7IoIl1E&s=2WOvr9HjP4rh4fKFINh0QgZdtdB7KR-q2ElvF8w3SAY&e=>.
We appreciate everyone’s contributions to keep research going while prioritizing the health of our community. Thank you for your extended patience, understanding, and collaboration as we navigate our return to normal research conditions.
Rodolfo H. Torres
Vice Chancellor
Research and Economic Development
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