[Faculty] Survey on Faculty Experiences During the Pandemic

Senate senate at ucr.edu
Wed Apr 13 13:23:30 PDT 2022

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April 13, 2022

Dear UCR faculty,

I am passing along a request to participate in a survey on faculty experiences during the pandemic jointly established by University of Wisconsin and University of California.  Please consider participating in this as part of establishing empirical data on the impact of the pandemic on your research, teaching, and service workload.

Jason Stajich
Academic Senate Chair


Dear colleague:

We invite you to participate in the Joint UW-UC Study of Faculty Experiences During the Pandemic. We want to be sure we hear from you about these important issues, so please take the time to give us your thoughts soon.

We need your help to understand the challenges you have experienced related to instruction, research, and service.

We are also interested in learning what resources or policy changes would be useful to reduce those challenges. Your participation in the study should take no more than thirty minutes and would consist of completing a short online survey about your experiences. The University of Wisconsin Survey Center has been asked to administer the survey for us to protect your confidentiality. No personally identifying information will be collected about you or connected to your survey responses.

Follow this link to the Survey:


If you have any questions about taking the survey, please contact Nathan Jones at the University of Wisconsin Survey Center, 608-890-4724, or nrjones at ssc.wisc.edu<mailto:nrjones at ssc.wisc.edu>.
If you have questions about the study, please contact Catherine Albiston at calbiston at berkeley.edu<mailto:calbiston at berkeley.edu> and/or Tonya Brito at tlbrito at wisc.edu<mailto:tlbrito at wisc.edu>.

If you are not satisfied with the response of the research team, have more questions, or want to talk with someone about

your rights as a research participant in this study, you should contact the University of California at Berkeley's Committee for Protection of Human Subjects at 510-642-7461 and/or the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Education and

Social/Behavioral Science IRB Office at (608) 263-2320.

Thank you in advance for your participation!


Professor Catherine Albiston, UC-Berkeley
Professor Tonya Brito, UW-Madison

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