[Faculty] Assembly Bill AB 2046

Senate senate at ucr.edu
Fri Apr 15 14:34:55 PDT 2022

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April 15, 2022

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

Please join Senate Chair Jason Stajich, Planning and Budget Chair Dana Simmons, and Asst. Vice Chancellor of Governmental & Community Relations Elizabeth Romero on Monday, April 18th from noon-1:00 pm at a virtual open discussion on Assembly Bill (AB) 2046<https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2046> authored by Assemblymembers Jose Medina and Adam Gray that establishes the Inland Rising Fund.  AB 2046 requests $1.46 billion dollars for the Inland Rising Fund which directly appropriates funding to anchor institutions in the Inland Empire and Central Valley to accelerate regional economic development growth and opportunity in two of the most underinvested regions of the state.

A majority of the Inland Rising Fund will construct the physical infrastructure and expand capacity at the University of California, Riverside and University of California, Merced to address critical needs of the state and local region related to educational equity, climate change and healthcare. Attached is the bill language.

California is the world's fifth largest economy with thriving industries, a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship. Yet, it is also a tale of two states where prosperity is not equitably shared. California grapples with growing disparities between coastal and inland regions. Over 70 percent of job growth since 2010 has been in coastal California, and inland California counties are declining in income relative to the rest of the state. Inland communities have growing populations and countless assets to leverage for future economic growth. Increasingly California's regions are interconnected--our future success relies on reversing our growing disparities.(https://opr.ca.gov/economic-development/regions-rise.html)

Join us to learn more about this proposed transformational investment for UCR which will accelerate economic growth, regional development and address critical needs of the campus and the Inland region.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 1314 0295
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We look forward to seeing you and helping answer questions.


Contact Us

Jason Stajich
Academic Senate Chair
jason.stajich at ucr.edu <mailto:jason.stajich at ucr.edu>

Senate Executive Office Email
For non-urgent matters please email:
senate at ucr.edu<mailto:senate at ucr.edu>



Academic Senate |  231 University Office Building, Riverside, CA 92521
 senate at ucr.edu<mailto:senate at ucr.edu>

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