[Faculty] Request for Proposals to Establish Labor Centers

VCRed vcred at ucr.edu
Thu Aug 18 11:34:19 PDT 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the attached Request for Proposals to Establish Labor Centers.

This is a fantastic opportunity for UCR. Although multiple proposals from each campus will be considered, only one per campus may be funded. If you are interested in submitting a proposal, I encourage you to talk broadly with other colleagues on campus. If you would like RED to connect you with others who we are aware are planning to submit a proposal, please let us know.



Rodolfo H. Torres
Vice Chancellor
Research and Economic Development
Distinguished Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of California, Riverside
200 University Office Building
Riverside, CA 92521
VCRED at ucr.edu<mailto:VCRED at ucr.edu>
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