[Faculty] Communication on APC calendar workgroup
provost at ucr.edu
Fri Jan 31 16:59:03 PST 2025
As detailed below, the UC Office of the President has begun the process of exploring whether all UC general campuses should operate under a common semester calendar. You are encouraged to learn more about this effort by visiting the workgroup website<https://www.ucop.edu/institutional-research-academic-planning/content-analysis/academic-planning/academic-planning-council-workgroup-on-systemwide-academic-calendar.html> and to provide your feedback directly to the workgroup at calendar at ucop.edu<mailto:calendar at ucop.edu>.
From: Marvin Morris <Marvin.Morris at ucop.edu<mailto:Marvin.Morris at ucop.edu>> On Behalf Of Katherine Newman
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2025 11:43 AM
Subject: FW: Communication on APC calendar workgroup
The message below is forwarded on behalf of System Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Katherine Newman. It is sent as an FYI to inform you of its distribution and so you can forward it to any other interested parties on your campus. For your convenience, a Word document version of the message is attached as well.
From: Richard Arum <richard.arum at uci.edu <mailto:richard.arum at uci.edu%20> >, Ahmet Palazoglu < ahmet.palazoglu at ucop.edu<mailto:ahmet.palazoglu at ucop.edu> >
Date: Friday, January 31, 2025
Cc: Liz Halimah <Liz.Halimah at ucop.edu<mailto:Liz.Halimah at ucop.edu>>, Pamela Brown <Pamela.Brown at ucop.edu<mailto:Pamela.Brown at ucop.edu>>
Subject: RE: Communication on APC calendar workgroup
Dear Colleagues,
In October 2024, we were appointed to co-chair a joint Academic Senate-Administration workgroup of the Academic Planning Council (APC)<https://www.ucop.edu/institutional-research-academic-planning/content-analysis/academic-planning/academic-planning-council.html> that would examine the possibilities of a common academic calendar for the University of California. Our charge is to collect information on how different calendars and calendar features can advance our mission, and in particular, support UC students' experiences and success. We are also identifying the opportunities and challenges associated with any conversion to a common calendar, including estimated costs and resources required for any change.
This is a fact-finding exercise, not one where the workgroup is recommending one calendar over another.
We are in the process of summarizing our work to date, with plans to send a report out for broader Senate and administrative review by the end of February or early March 2025. If you want to learn more about this effort or provide initial feedback, please visit the APC Workgroup website at ucop.edu/apc-calendar<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/ucop.edu/apc-calendar__;!!CzAuKJ42GuquVTTmVmPViYEvSg!OPsVBNFJXAXB-nk85nYlxJZXJSbTpA09wrNsJvhyYovj3Y_yo-cULcBO2Pm2BLDjGsohBf7bMaGk69WPwGb8YDdJSg$>.
Richard Arum Ahmet Palazoglu
Co-Chair, APC Calendar Workgroup Co-Chair, APC Calendar Workgroup
Professor of Sociology and Education, UC Irvine Vice Chair, UC Academic Senate
Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering, UC Davis
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