[Faculty] About Immigration Enforcement

VPAP UCR vpap at ucr.edu
Fri Jan 31 19:00:34 PST 2025

Dear Faculty,

One of the areas of the executive orders and directives that are being
issued by the new federal administration is immigration enforcement.  Our
Office of Legal Affairs suggests becoming familiar with some resources
shown below, and reminds us to check the links periodically as information
and guidance is subject to change.

   1. Review relevant university policy, guidance and resources.
      1. UCOP Frequently Asked Questions
      to immigration enforcement
      2. UC policy
      <https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000685/ImmigrationEnforcement> regarding
      responding to enforcement involving patients at health facilities
      3. UC guidance
      traveling with electronic devices, including returning the U.S.
and “border

   2. Visit the California Office of the Attorney General’s Immigrant
   Resources site <https://oag.ca.gov/immigrant/resources>, which provides
   information on rights and resources.

   3. If UCR students or staff reach out to you for advice about
   immigration issues or enforcement, please refer them to our Immigrant
   Legal Services <https://usp.ucr.edu/UCILSC> (ILS) attorney, Alfonso
   Maldonado Silva who can be reached at 530-573-9134 or by email at
   alfonso.ucimm at law.ucdavis.edu. The ILS team can provide them and/or
   their families specific advice about their circumstances in a privileged
   environment. You may also share the above-referenced resources and the
   following Know Your Rights

   4. If a federal agent seeks your consent to enter limited access space
   or requests information or documents from you about another individual(s):
      1. Contact the Office of Legal Affairs (OLA) or UCPD immediately

Ø  OLA at 951-827-5983 or 951-827-8222

Ø  UCPD at 951-827-5222.

   2. Ask the agent for their name, ID number, agency affiliation, and
      business card
      3. Ask for a copy of the document(s), such as a warrant or subpoena,
      they may have
      4. Inform the agent that you are not obstructing their process and
      need to consult with campus counsel because you are not
authorized to give
      consent to access persons or buildings.
      5. Most importantly, you do not have to address or evaluate these
      issues on your own. Please contact the OLA or UCPD. Please refer students
      and employees seeking personal immigration advice to ILS or to
   4. Other information, including a useful infographic can be found at the
   following OLA link

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