[Msoadm] New One-Time Pay Tool Announcement

Bobbi A McCracken bobbi.mccracken at ucr.edu
Wed Oct 7 17:58:03 PDT 2020


Dear Colleagues,

Good news! The Accounting Office is pleased to announce the deployment of a new application, the One-Time Payment (OTP) Tool. The OTP Tool will provide department users with an efficient mechanism to create one-time payment requests for employees. The OTP tool provides departments with more flexibility to manage additional compensations for payroll processing. The new streamlined process should reduce touchpoints and provide departments with control over requests.

The tool's user interface and navigation is designed to increase efficiency, track requests and approvals with an audit trail, enable FAU validations, and store supporting documentation. Other features include a robust search capability, mass data entries, and work flow approvals. The OTP tool is available campus-wide to all departments and replaces the use of ServiceLink-Generic Requests for one-time payments.

The following new roles are now available for assignment in EACS.  Please note your Organizational CFAO may be reaching out to you with additional guidance on role assignment.

*        Department Transactor:

o   Initiates payment requests in the One Time Payment

o   Tool and ensures appropriate documentation to support the payment is attached to the request

o   Individuals assigned to this role should possess strong knowledge of Human Resources and Academic Personnel policies and procedures.

*        Department Approver

o   Requests are routed to the department assigned approver.

o   The recommended assignment of this role is the Financial & Administrative Officer (FAO), Financial Manager or a Department Head.

o   Approvers are also required to review any payments where an FAU override using their department activity code is used on a request

*        Department Inquirer

o   Recommended for Individuals responsible for ledger reconciliation and/or policy compliance

Tool Location, Training, and Orientation Information

  *   Deadline to assign One Time Pay EACS roles to be included in 10/20/20 training: October 14, 2020.
     *   Please review the User Guide for additional information on the OTP tool: https://bfs.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm751/files/2020-10/OTP_Tool_Training_and_Guidance_Oct2020.pdf
  *   Training and orientation session: October 20, 2020.
     *   Note: Training will be recorded and accessible for future reference.
  *   OTP Tool deployment date: October 21, 2020.
     *   The OTP Tool will be accessible via R'Space-Authorized Apps-ServiceLink- Finance Section.

Please direct questions and concerns to OTPFeedback at UCR.edu<mailto:OTPFeedback at UCR.edu>


Bobbi McCracken
Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller
Business & Financial Services

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