[Msoadm] October 2023 Academic Range Adjustments for Represented Units: ASEs (BX), GSRs (BR), and Postdocs (PX) Schedule

Sonia B Kalogonis sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu
Fri Aug 18 12:38:02 PDT 2023

Dear all:
Below is the represented UAW academic appointees range adjustments program effective for October 1, 2023. The updated tables are posted on UCOP's Academic Personnel and Programs salary scales page, found here<https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/compensation/2023-24-academic-salary-scales.html>.
Academic Student Employees Unit (BX Unit)
BX titles will be adjusted by a general range adjustment of 16.50% for monthly and biweekly paid appointees. Additionally, new experience-based salary scales will be implemented for Teaching Assistants and Associate Instructors.

  *   Student Titles, Teaching Assistant and Equivalent, (Readers $1.00 increase)
  *   Student Titles, Associate
  *   Student Titles, Remedial Tutor (Tutors $1.00 increase)
  *   Forthcoming is the UCR Tutor Wage Rates (job code 2861) local table and will be made available in the APO/Compensation site.
Graduate Student Researchers Unit (BR Unit)
BR titles will be adjusted by a general range adjustment of approximately 6.4%. Additionally, new experience-based salary points will be implemented.

  *   Student Titles, Graduate Student Researcher

Postdoctoral Scholars Unit (PX Unit)

PX titles will be adjusted by a general range adjustment of approximately 7.47%.

  *   Postdoctoral Scholar Experience-Based Salary
The range adjustment is being coordinated by the Office of the President-Academic Personnel and will be implemented by the UCPath Center (UCPC) in conjunction with the Central Academic Personnel Office and UCR UCPATH Campus Support Center.  Existing employees with system wide scale rates will be updated via the ranges adjustment process in September. Orgs will be notified and sent a validation report when the updates are complete.
Please see below the range adjustment schedule. If you have any questions concerning the range adjustment schedule, please contact Sonia Kalogonis sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu<mailto:sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu>
For questions concerning the UAW unit(s) contract(s), please contact Esperanza Stewart  esperanza.steward at ucr.edu<mailto:esperanza.steward at ucr.edu>


Postdoctoral Scholars (PX)
Academic Student Employees (BX)
Graduate Student Researchers (BR)
Preliminary population is approved by departmental units
UCPath Center freeze transactions for affected population. Please see attached job code listing of affected job titles during the freeze.
Affected job titles post range population rates approved by departmental units

Monthly 10/19/23

Biweekly 10/12/23
Affected job titles Paycheck Date(s)

Monthly 11/1/23

Biweekly 10/25/23

Thank you.
Sonia Kalogonis

Sonia Kalogonis
APO Policy & Compensation Analyst
O: 951.827.2934 | E: sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu<mailto:sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu>
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