[Msoadm] Multi-Year CBR Approval Memo
Candice P Gomez
candice.gomez at ucr.edu
Mon Aug 21 11:56:31 PDT 2023
TO: Campus Financial Staff
FROM: Stephanie Flores, Executive Director
Financial Planning and Analysis
DATE: August 21, 2023
RE: Fiscal Years 2020 - 2024 Federally Approved Composite Benefit Rates for all UCR Activities
As you know, UCR established fringe benefit rates that are based on a percentage of salary of the employee based on Employee Groups that do not vary by individual employee benefit selections, commonly referred to as Composite Benefit Rates (CBRs) as a result of going live with UCPath in FY2018. As part of any fringe rate calculation process, UCR seeks annual approval of the fringe rate structure (CBR Rates) from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS - the campus' cognizant federal agency). The last federally approved rate proposal for UCR was for the FY2019 rates, prior to the very recent federal action.
After a long process of consultation and collaboration that occurred over several years, between the Office of Financial Planning and Analysis, the UC Office of the President and Huron Consulting Group, the rate proposals for the following fiscal years have been approved by our cognizant agency as of August 4, 2023. At this point all approvals are retroactive to the federal action. Other UC campuses have seen a similar schedule.
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2024
As a result, it is expected that the newly approved FY2024 CBR rates will be built into any new proposal or renewals of existing awards effective immediately. (CBR Approved Rates<https://accounting.ucr.edu/payroll-coordination/benefits-and-assessments>)
Please note that CBR rates for each year were actually charged in UCPath for the past several years, but we wanted to notify everyone that we actually have federal approval on all of our CBR rates now.
If you have any questions, please contact budgetoffice at ucr.edu<mailto:budgetoffice at ucr.edu>.
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