[Msoadm] APO UPDATE: New System-Wide MLA/OTP form Effective March 2023

Sonia Kalogonis sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu
Wed Feb 15 17:15:46 PST 2023

Dear all:

The system-wide UPAY forms (UPAY 560-T and UPAY 644 C-T) have been replaced with a consolidated MLA/OTP form<https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/forms/pdf/u560_640-multi-location-appointmentinterlocation-one-time-payment-form.pdf> and departments must start using the new form effective March 01, 2023 (attachment) for new MLA or OTP requests. There is a grace period starting March 01, 2023, through May 31, 2023, to allow for previous UPAY forms to be circulated for approvals and UCPath processing.

Please forward your new requests and or follow-ups to academicpersonnel at ucr.edu<mailto:academicpersonnel at ucr.edu> attention to Sonia Kalogonis.

As a reminder, please refer to the Inter-Location One- Time Payment (OTP) and Multi-Location Appointment (MLA) local guidelines (revised 2/14/23) when processing OTP and MLA /temporary inter-location appointment situations for an academic appointee. The local revised guidelines and new MLA/OTP Form is available on the Academic Personnel Office<https://academicpersonnel.ucr.edu/compensation#interlocation_one_time_pay_and_multilocation_appointment> website under Compensation> Inter-Location One Time Pay and Multi-Location Appointment.

For questions concerning inter-location OTP and MLA process for staff title employees, please contact Central HR/Total Compensation Team at compensation at ucr.edu<mailto:compensation at ucr.edu>.

Please circulate this email to appropriate departmental staff.

Thank you!

Sonia Kalogonis
APO Policy & Compensation Analyst
O: 951.827.2934 | E: sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu<mailto:sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu>
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