[Msoadm] April 2023 Academic Range Adjustments for Represented Units: Postdocs (PX), ASEs (BX), and GSRs (BR)
Sonia Kalogonis
sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu
Thu Feb 16 16:30:02 PST 2023
Dear all:
The UAW collective bargaining agreement contracts for Postdoctoral Scholars (PX), Academic Student Employees Unit (BX) and newly represented Graduate Student Researchers (BR) compensation salary plans are effective April 1, 2023.The updated salary tables are posted on UCOP’s salary scales page found here<https://www.ucop.edu/academic-personnel-programs/compensation/2022-23-academic-salary-scales.html>. Attached is a listing of job titles being ranged adjusted effective April 01, 2023.
* The Postdoctoral Scholars (PX) salary scales have been adjusted by a general range adjustment of approximately 7.9% with smoothed increments of 3.7% between levels.
* The process for postdocs will be slightly different than the standard range adjustment process, and the ORGS will be provided with more information to assist with review of this population.
* A report was provided to the ORGS to verify all postdocs have an accurate anniversary date and a salary plan grade/experience level assigned by February 24, 2023. This review will assist with mapping and calculating the appropriate salary grade and salary rate on the impacted population report.
* The Academic Student Employees (BX) salary scales have been adjusted by a general range adjustment of approximately 7.5% and salary scales for hourly ASEs have been increased by $1.50 per hour.
* UCR Tutor Wage Rates (job code 2861) local table will be available in the APO/Compensation and is found here<https://academicpersonnel.ucr.edu/compensation#academic_salary_scales_and_salary_rates>.
* The range adjustment for ASEs will follow the standard range adjustment process.
* The Graduate Student Researchers (BR) salary scales have had the three lowest salary points and the top salary point removed and have been adjusted by a general range adjustment of approximately 7.5% with smoothed increments of 7.75% between points.
* GSRs will be mapped from their current salary point to a salary point on the new salary scale.
* Please note that as part of the range adjustment process, GSRs will also be updated to the “BR” union code and a new Absence Management eligibility group.
The range adjustment is being coordinated by the Office of the President- Academic Personnel and Programs and will be implemented by the UCPath Center (UCPC) in conjunction with the UCR Central Academic Personnel Office and UCR UCPATH Campus Support Center. Existing represented employees with system system-wide scale rates will be updated via the ranges adjustment process in March- April 2023. Orgs will be notified and sent a validation report when the updates are complete.
Please see below the range adjustment schedule. If you have any questions concerning the range adjustment schedule, please contact Sonia Kalogonis sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu<mailto:sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu>
For questions concerning the UAW unit(s) contract(s), please contact Katina Napper katina.napper at ucr.edu<mailto:katina.napper at ucr.edu>.
Postdoctoral Scholars (PX)
Academic Student Employees (BX)
Graduate Student Researchers (BR)
Preliminary population is approved by departmental units
*UCPath Center freeze transactions for affected population. Please see attached job code listing of affected job titles during the freeze.
3/23/2023 - 3/27/2023
4/1/2023 - 4/5/2023
4/6/2023 - 4/11/2023
Affected job titles post range population rates approved by departmental units
Monthly 4/18/23
Biweekly 4/13/23
Affected job titles Paycheck Date(s)
Monthly 5/1/23
Biweekly 4/26/23
*Freeze only applies to Pay Component changes to the Impacted Population (which are those in the salary plans being range adjusted).
(Pay Component changes include job code changes, employee classification changes, salary plan changes, pay rate changes, etc.)
New Hire, Concurrent Hire, Rehire, Termination, Retirement, Extend Job, and Short Work Break transactions CAN be processed.
Freeze DOES NOT apply to any other populations.
Thank you.
Sonia Kalogonis
Sonia Kalogonis
APO Policy & Compensation Analyst
O: 951.827.2934 | E: sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu<mailto:sonia.kalogonis at ucr.edu>
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