[Msoadm] Purchase Order Conversion for Oracle Procurement

Bobbi A McCracken bobbi.mccracken at ucr.edu
Wed May 24 08:27:23 PDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

As the campus transitions to Oracle Procurement under the Impact23 Program,<https://impact23.ucr.edu/> additional details on eBuy Purchase Order (PO) conversion criteria are provided below along with information on identifying converted POs in Oracle. Understanding the approach will help units prepare for any Oracle adjustments that may be needed.

PO Conversion Base Criteria
Specific base criteria to determine conversion eligibility have been developed for each purchase order type. Due to differences in data structures between eBuy and Oracle, some POs meeting the base criteria may not convert.

*        For Department Authorized Purchase Orders (DAPOs), the balance must be $200 or greater and the order must have activity within the last six months (before the cutoff date). Any DAPO that meets the criteria but has a negative distribution line will not convert (this is not always visible or easy for users to detect).

*        For Standard and Blanket POs, the balance must be $200 or greater and orders must have activity within the last two years (before the cutoff date). If a PO meets the criteria and has a negative distribution line, it will still convert to Oracle but as a single-line PO for the total unbilled amount.

PO Conversion Additional Guidance
The following bullets provide guidance on understanding converted POs:

*        The converted Purchase Orders (POs) in Oracle will not look the same as they did in eBuy.

*        Only unbilled lines will convert.

*        The PO encumbrance balance will only convert if the PO converts.

*        Only POs using a valid goods and services account will convert (e.g., eBuy POs using salary or benefit accounts) as these accounts are not appropriate for procurement transactions and lack alignment with future state purchasing categories.

*        All converted POs will retain the legacy eBuy PO number beginning with a "1" (new orders created in Oracle begin with "UCR").

*        The Oracle "Owning Department" field is derived from the PO Accountability Structure.
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*        All PO current state Financial Accounting Units (FAUs) will be converted to the new Chart of Accounts (COA). The new COA does not include current state cost centers and project codes.

*        In some cases, multiple-line POs with different FAUs were consolidated into one line with a single COA.

o   Once converted into Oracle, a change request can be completed to update the COA, add approved Flex fields (to non-contract & grant and capital funds), update Receiver, etc.

*        If a PO was marked received/okay to pay in eBuy, it will be converted as a two-way match, which means no further receiving is required.

*        If the PO was not received in eBuy, the system will select one of the current state PO Receivers as the Receiver in Oracle. The department SAA will need to assign the Oracle Receiver role (UCR Purchasing Receiving JR) to enable receiving functionality in Oracle. Even though the converted PO will list the selected eBuy Receiver, they will not have the ability to receive in Oracle unless the role is provisioned. We recommend that departments remove all eBuy Receivers in EACS that will not be provisioned in Oracle by 6/15/2023 to ensure they will not be selected during conversion.

*        If a PO did not convert, please pay outstanding invoices via PCard if possible. If PCard is not an option, departments are responsible for creating a new PO in Oracle for any outstanding invoices.

*        Please do not take any action that will extend the life of a converted PO. The goal is for converted legacy purchase orders to close timely, and new orders to be created in Oracle.

*        To help determine which POs have converted to Oracle, it is recommended that departments compare the current state eBuy Encumbrance Balance Report from June 30th with the Oracle Encumbrance Balance Report after go-live (Search by COA).

*        There is also an Oracle report, "UCR Purchase Order Report", that can be easily generated, offers a PO Owning Department search parameter, and includes the PO Receiver if applicable.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can Accounts Payable update my COA when processing an invoice?
A: No, Accounts Payable will not have the ability to make changes. Departments must process change requests for updating the COA, adding flex fields (to non-contract & grant and capital funds), updating the receiver, etc.

Q: Will the shipping location convert from eBuy?
A: No, the ship-to location for all converted POs will default to central receiving.  Note: the two-digit delivery location is being retired (it is a holdover from the pre-UCRFS financial system) and will not be used in Oracle.

Q: Should I try to figure out why a PO did not convert?
A:  If a PO does not convert, it will be more efficient utilization of time and effort to settle the invoice using PCard or create a new PO in Oracle.

Q: Does a negative distribution line impact the entire PO?
A: Yes, the entire PO will fail during the standard conversion process if it contains a negative distribution line.

Key Procurement Dates

*        Late May/early June: distribution of new PCards that will be used beginning 6/26

*        6/21: Last day for departments to process Department Authorized Purchase Orders (DAPOs). All DAPO eBuy orders must be marked as either "Encumbered" or "Encumbered/OK to Pay" to ensure they are encumbered. Also, this is the last day for central procurement to process Purchase Orders (POs) to encumber funds in UCRFS.

*        6/22: Procurement will return all unprocessed requisitions to the transactor for re-submission in Oracle.

*        6/22 - 7/4:  eBuy read-only begins 6/22. PCard should be used during this timeframe as purchase orders cannot be issued during this time.

*        6/23:  Last day to use the "old" PCard

*        6/26:  First day to use the "new" PCard

*        7/5: Upon the deployment of Oracle Financials, the initiation of Purchase Orders will take place in Oracle Procurement.

*        7/5:  Concur available for new PCard cost distribution

*        7/10: Last day to process ProCard Cost Transfers (PCT) on "old" PCard

Please watch the May 2023 Impact23 User Group<https://ucr.zoom.us/rec/share/8ZnHUjFTbG_o3n5xKDSMwdTnWjj3ojVJlXDRZ3XylOCDqXDTFw_d4gl_b8l3TnVA.ARkaOghVtLycYqem> covering this topic to learn more. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact impact23 at ucr.edu.<mailto:impact23 at ucr.edu>

Thank you to all the units that have increased their Procurement Card utilization in preparation for the Oracle transition.


Bobbi McCracken

Associate Vice Chancellor and Controller
Business & Financial Services

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