[Msoadm] Immediate Action Requested: Mandatory Posting Regarding Unfair Labor Practice Charge No. SF-CE-1349-H
Mariela E Bridges
mariela.bridges at ucr.edu
Thu Nov 16 18:54:37 PST 2023
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Employee and Labor Relations
November 16, 2023
To: Managers and Business Officers in Departments Employing SX and EX Employees
Cc: Human Resources Officers
From: George C. Williams, Director of Employee and Labor Relations
Re: Posting per Decision on Unfair Labor Practice Charge SF-CE-1349-H
Management Communication
Pursuant to the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) Decision regarding Unfair Labor Practice Charge SF-CE-1349-H, it has been found that the University violated the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA), Government Code section 3560 et seq.
As a result, the University is required to post the attached "NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES" at all work locations where notices to Service (SX) and Patient Care Technical Unit (EX) Employees are posted. The notice must be posted no later than Friday, November 17, 2023, and must remain posted until January 11, 2024 (30 consecutive workdays, excluding holidays and curtailment dates) and must not be reduced in size, defaced, altered, or covered with any other material. The Notice has already been distributed to SX and EX employees via email.
In addition to the posting in each department, the attached notice will be posted on the Human Resources website under the "News" section with the heading "Notice to Employees of Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) Decision re. Unfair Practice Case No. SF-CE-1349-H."
Lastly, the University is required to track and report the following information to PERB and AFSCME:
1. The locations where the Order is posted (both physically and electronically).
2. The dates of the physical postings.
3. To this end, managers in departments employing SX and EX employees are required to enter the posting location and date on a smart sheet form at: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/f093e616e9b94bde8ed63e5a88066cc6
If you have any questions regarding this message, please contact me at 951-827-9581 or via email at george.c.williams at ucr.edu<mailto:george.c.williams at ucr.edu>.
Thank you for your timely assistance with this matter.
George Williams
Director, Employee and Labor Relations
University of California, Riverside
george.c.williams at ucr.edu<mailto:george.c.williams at ucr.edu>
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