[Msoadm] Employee Reduction in Time 2023 – Program Update

Jorge Sanchez jorge.sanchez at ucr.edu
Fri Nov 17 12:37:17 PST 2023


November 17, 2023


HR Campus Partners


Central Human Resources Policy


Employee Reduction in Time 2023 – Program Update

Why We Are Writing to You

Effective October 30, 2023, the Office of the President (OP) issued the Employee-Initiated Reduction in Time (ERIT) Program and ERIT Contract. UCR uses ERIT as a flexible work resource for eligible employees and departments.

What You Need to Know

Eligible career staff (except Senior Management Group members) can request the department head’s approval to voluntarily reduce their current appointment percentage and corresponding pay, within specific limits, for certain specified advantages, such as accrual of vacation and sick leave at the employees’ pre-ERIT rates.

The revisions to this program are as follows:

  1.  Changed the 36-month lifetime ERIT contract maximum to 36 months per contract. Locations may choose to renew an ERIT contract if operational needs require, beginning a new 36-month maximum period.
  2.  Made clarifying edits/updates to terms and definitions in the Health and Welfare benefits, UC Retirement and Compliance language.
  3.  Consolidation of Program, Procedures and FAQs into one program document.

What You Need to Do

Review the following documents:

  *   ERIT 2023 Program Policy<https://hr.ucr.edu/document/erit-program-2023-final>
  *   ERIT 2023 Contract<https://hr.ucr.edu/document/employee-reduction-time-2023-contract-clean-final>

For a program overview and FAQs, please visit the UCnet ERIT Program website<https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/work-life-wellness/erit/index.html>.

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