[Msoadm] Impact23 Insider News - November 2024

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Wed Nov 13 12:30:01 PST 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The Impact23 Insider News provides essential updates and activities related to the financial system. Please take a few minutes to read the Impact23 Insider News – November 2024<https://ucr.bmeurl.co/11B49610> edition and share it with your departmental teams as appropriate.


Asirra Suguitan
Associate Vice Chancellor and Campus Controller
Business & Financial Services

November 2024 | 21st Edition


November 2024 | 21st Edition

Transition to Weekly PCard Expense Reports

The transition to weekly PCard statements is currently in progress. Between November 11 and 15, no new PCard transactions will appear in Concur as data feeds have been paused. By November 18, users will be moved to weekly statements, and transactions will begin posting no later than November 19. At that time, PCard transactions from October 26 to November 15 will also be processed and posted to the new weekly statements. For more details, please read this article<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11BAB229&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>.

UCR Department Report for AP Invoices & Automated Notifications
Significant enhancements to the 'UCR Department Report for AP Invoices' have been announced. These changes allow departments to receive automated email notifications for specific Invoice Holds, providing a clear list of invoices that require attention to issue supplier payments. Key features include automated notifications sent on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and detailed Excel attachments outlining the necessary actions based on the role and type of hold. Additionally, each email includes a link to the Invoice Holds and Resolutions<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11B9C53C&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> guide to assist users in resolving holds. For more details, please see the full notice here<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11BAB80A&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>.

Supplier Invoice Submission

Suppliers must send invoices directly to Accounts Payable following the instructions on the purchase order (PO). Adhering to this process ensures timely review and payment of invoices. More information is available on the Invoice Processing<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11C6D707&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> webpage.

  *   One invoice per PDF, multiple PDF invoices per email is allowable.
  *   The apinvoice at ucr.edu<mailto:apinvoice at ucr.edu> email address is for invoice submission only.
  *   If communicating with a supplier or campus user, please remove the
apinvoice at ucr.edu<mailto:apinvoice at ucr.edu> email address from the thread.
  *   A PO number referenced on the invoice is required for payment.
  *   Communication with AP operators should be sent directly to their email addresses.
For questions and support, refer to the Contact Tree<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11B4BAC6&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>.

Requesting New Projects

When submitting the request form for new projects (project codes), keep the following in mind:

  *   Budget Adjustments: Ensure the budget funding for the new project(s) is appropriately reduced. Do not allocate these funds to BC75.
  *   Form Approvals: The form must be signed by (both) your Financial & Administrative Officer (FAO) before being forwarded to the Organization’s CFAO for final approval.


Training Resources Available

The Training Resources<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11B49650&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=2> webpage is your central hub for all BFS-related training guides. It is regularly updated with new and revised materials, including videos. As we transition into the new calendar year, guides from Oracle Guided Learning will be moved here for easier access. Check the tiles on the page frequently for the latest updates and additions!

Explore the Latest Guides in Training Resources

  *   Employee Reimbursements<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11BAB80B&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>: Details the process for employee reimbursements during and after employment, such as handling inactive employees in UCPath, steps if the employee will return, and steps for non-returning employees.
  *   Travel Allowance—Expenses and Usage<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11BAB80C&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>: Reviews using a travel allowance for foreign/long-term travel and includes an ex. of a meal cap/per diem reduction scenario.
  *   PCard vs. T&E Card<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11BAB80D&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>: A chart to help you know when to use a T&E Card or PCard.
  *   Change Requests in Oracle Procurement<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11BAB80E&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>: New updates on creating PO change orders and reviewing their status.
  *   Understanding Encumbrances in Oracle Procure to Pay<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11BAB80F&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>: Covers how Requisitions create "Commitment Encumbrance" and how encumbrances are canceled.

Notice of Email Retirement

Please be advised that as of November 1, the emails travelfeedback at ucr.edu<mailto:travelfeedback at ucr.edu> and epayfeedback at ucr.edu<mailto:epayfeedback at ucr.edu> are no longer in use. For any services or assistance from the Accounts Payable/Travel team, please refer to the Contact Tree<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11B5CB80&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>.

Are You Using the Right Portal for Finance Inquiries?

Users seeking help with access, transactions, financial system reports, or data are encouraged to submit their inquiries through the Finance and Administration Support portal. This process helps streamline inquiries to the appropriate teams, ensuring quicker response times for functional questions from BFS or FP&A, and supporting timely communication and training. See Request Help<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11B49651&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> for more information.

Website Transition In Progress

Impact23 content is now transitioning to bfs.ucr.edu<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11B49652&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> to enhance user experience. As the Impact23 project concludes, Business and Financial Services content is being updated to reflect the new financial systems, processes, and reports. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the BFS website.

Stay Informed with the Known Issues Tracker

As we navigate the first fiscal close in new systems, please review the Known Issues Tracker<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11B49653&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=2> for the latest information on issues affecting financial processes and reports.

The lastest news for Oracle Financials (ERP, OFC), Oracle Budget (EPM), Concur Travel & Expense (Concur), Financial Boundary Systems and Reporting. Delivering timely information that matters to you!

Visit Our Website<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11B49652&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=2> | Announcements<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11B5D0D0&e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>
View this email in your browser<https://ucr.benchurl.com/c/v?e=18EB580&c=158834&t=0&l=1164FD663&email=hpBO7BFH3nrxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D>

900 University Ave., Riverside, CA , 92521


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