[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Provost’s Fall Campus Update

Provost provost at ucr.edu
Fri Oct 15 08:01:13 PDT 2021

Dear Campus Community,

I started in my role on May 1st and have been coming to my office in Hinderaker ever since. Over the past few weeks, I have seen campus come to life, and have delighted in many “firsts” for me at UCR. My first time eating lunch at the HUB. My first time browsing the student org tables around the Belltower on a Wednesday. My first time cheering on our athletics teams. My first time seeing a class in the Student Success Center (okay that’s a first for everyone this fall!)

I know that our students are glad to be back as well. Preeti Juturu, a 4th year Economics and Public Policy double major, remarked, “Returning to campus has been invigorating and inspiring; I’ve been greeted by the sight of new buildings, pristine learning spaces, and familiar faces. As I become re-accustomed to in-person learning and college life, my anxieties surrounding campus return continue to subside. Due to the support of UCR faculty, staff, and my fellow peers, I am confident in my ability to navigate the “new normal” and continued challenges of being a student amidst a global pandemic.”

For students, faculty, and staff alike, returning to the campus is exciting, but not without its bumps. Christy Gray, a staff member in CHASS, points out that returning to in-person operations requires re-acquainting with previous activities abandoned in the months away from campus: running the copier, submitting facilities requests, remembering voicemail passwords, and commuting. Christy observed, “This is my third week back, the mailroom is finally clear of year-old mail and it’s beginning to feel more normal.” As we progress through this transitional fall quarter, let’s take extra care to be patient and flexible, and above all, to be kind to our colleagues, our students, and ourselves.

Although students didn’t move back to campus until the third week in September, the Campus Finance Committee was hard at work throughout the summer. The committee reviewed and recommended the funding of a host of programs for students, faculty, and staff<https://provost.ucr.edu/blog/2021/07/13/use-federal-higher-education-emergency-relief-funds-heerf-ucr> with the federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF). Implementation of the HEERF-funded programs will be discussed at the next Staff Assembly General Meeting<https://ucr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QMCwAfS6StOXW2r4AoHw7A> on October 20th. The committee also recommended a major $8M annual recurring investment in Information Technology Solutions (ITS) – which the chancellor and I approved – to address staffing shortages, security system needs, process gaps, and critical network and infrastructure upgrades. I will be sending a more in-depth budget update to the campus community later this month.

I have three other pieces of news to share.

First, UCR’s draft report for the WSCUC 2022 Accreditation Special Visit is available and ready for your review. Campus members are encouraged to read the report here<https://wasc.ucr.edu/2022-wscuc-special-visit> and send comments and suggestions to Associate Provost Ken Baerenklau, UCR’s Accreditation Liaison Officer, at alo at ucr.edu<mailto:alo at ucr.edu> before November 5, 2021.

Second, for faculty who are concerned that their course materials may have been inappropriately shared on commercial websites, the UC Office of the President has published guidelines for how to have them removed<https://copyright.universityofcalifornia.edu/ownership/protect-course-materials.html>.

Third, due to the very positive response to my Office Hours thus far, I will continue to hold them throughout the year. Although our faculty and staff timeslots have filled for fall quarter, we will open up again in January. It’s been a pleasure to meet the individuals who have already participated. I also look forward to seeing many of you at your department faculty meetings. I asked department chairs to invite me to attend department meetings, and I’m delighted that many have taken me up on that offer.

Finally, I want to echo the Chancellor in thanking each of you for your commitment to ensuring our campus community’s health and safety. By completing the Daily Wellness Survey, washing your hands, and wearing masks, you’re helping us to continue our in-person activities and to achieve Preeti’s “new normal.”

Elizabeth Watkins, PhD (she/her/hers)
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
UC Riverside
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