[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Reminder: Upcoming Vaccine Requirement Notification

Sheila Hedayati sheila.hedayati at ucr.edu
Mon Nov 18 13:52:57 PST 2024

Dear UCR faculty and staff,
On Wednesday, November 20, 2024 , you will receive an autogenerated email from noreply at enterprisehealth.com<mailto:noreply at enterprisehealth.com> with the subject line: REMINDER TO REVIEW NOTIFICATIONS, instructing you to complete the vaccine reporting requirements through the Employee Medical Record (EMR) portal. This activity is mandatory under the UC Office of the President (UCOP) Vaccine Policy. Individuals are to annually either receive the COVID-19 vaccine/booster and the seasonal influenza vaccine and report such, OR formally decline one or both.
To meet the compliance requirements, access the link provided in Wednesday's email and complete this action by December 16, 2024. Should you need assistance, please email COVID19 at ucr.edu<mailto:COVID19 at ucr.edu>  or refer to the "how-to" guides on the EH&S website<https://ehs.ucr.edu/coronavirus>. Please note that UCR students are not required to use this system.
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The UC Office of the President has updated its Vaccination Programs Policy<https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/5000695/VaccinationProgramsPolicy>, effective June 26, 2024.
Thank you for helping us keep UCR a safe and healthy environment.
Best regards,

Sheila Hedayati
Executive Director, EH&S
Karla Hill
Director, Occupational Health

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