[Ucrfacultyandstaff] Interim Vice Chancellor for University Advancement

Chancellor chancellor at ucr.edu
Fri Jan 31 12:30:26 PST 2025

Dear Campus Community,

I'm pleased to announce that Associate Vice Chancellor (AVC) and Chief Communications and Marketing Officer Johnny Cruz will serve as interim vice chancellor for University Advancement (VCUA), effective February 15, 2025.

Johnny previously served as interim VCUA and interim president of the UC Riverside Foundation in 2022. He also served as acting associate chancellor for several months during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since joining UCR in 2018, Johnny has overseen an institutional rebranding effort, led messaging and storytelling for the close of our first comprehensive campaign, and provided essential crisis communications leadership. Additionally, he has taken on an expanded role with oversight for enrollment marketing and UCR events, including commencement.

In 2023, the American Marketing Association named Johnny one of the three finalists for the National Higher Education Marketer of the Year. He is also a CASE at Campus Fellow for the Council for Advancement and Support of Education while serving on the Council on Strategic Communications Executive Committee for the Association of Public Land Grant Universities.

Prior to UCR, Johnny led public relations for the global humanitarian organization World Vision, served as chief communications officer for the University of Arizona, and led external communications for Make-A-Wish America.

As I previously announced, Vice Chancellor for University Advancement Monique Dozier will be leaving her position on February 14, 2025. Once a new chancellor arrives at UCR, a formal search for the VCUA will occur.

I am grateful Johnny has accepted this role and appreciate your continued support of University Advancement during this transition.

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Kim A. Wilcox
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