[Msoadm] Impact23 Insider News - March 2024 | 11th Edition
Asirra Suguitan
asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Tue Mar 12 21:27:43 PDT 2024
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to present our IMPACT23 INSIDER NEWS - March 2024 | 11th Edition<https://clt1411124.bmeurl.co/102307ED> a cornerstone in our commitment to keeping you informed and engaged with the latest developments.
The content has been curated with the intention of providing you with valuable information, and we sincerely hope you find it both enlightening and helpful. Your proactive dissemination of this information within your departmental teams is highly encouraged and greatly appreciated.
For any inquiries related to the Impact23 program, email Impact23 at ucr.edu<mailto:impact23 at ucr.edu>.
Thank you for your continued dedication and collaboration.
Asirra Suguitan
Campus Controller and Impact23 Lead
March 2024 | 11th Edition
Impact23 Updates
Welcome to the eleventh edition of the Impact23 Insider News. This particular newsletter contains a combination of content from the User Group that was held in February, along with other key updates and changes.
You can expect to see this newsletter in your email on a bi-weekly Monday cadence. Previous newsletters can also be found on the Impact23 website under the Stay Connected tab (link<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D6659A&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>).
General Ledger
Month End Ledgers - January and February 2024
Financial Transaction Detail Reports (FTDR) and Prime PI Summary reports are available in RSpace under the Tools section "Financial web Reports" for January 2024. February ledgers are on track to close around the 15th, an email will be sent out once this process is complete and reports are posted to the Financial Web Reports.
PCard Use Tax
Corrections to PCard related Use Tax have been completed and posted in February Ledgers.The source of the reversed and corrected transactions is "Other." If cost transfers have been processed on PCard transactions, please be aware that subsequent transfers may be required.
Oracle Budget
Deficit Report by Project Number
A new report is available in Oracle Budget! This report shows the COAs in deficit related to PPM Projects. Oracle Budget receives budget data from PPM and actuals data from the general ledger (GL). This information has been pulled together in this report to show the deficits within Oracle Budget (EPM). Please be aware, all research on deficits must be completed within Oracle Financials - PPM, not Oracle Budget.
New Budget Process
The first Budget Process in Oracle Budget will kick-off this month (March 2024). CFAOs will be notified when the Budget Process is open to campus users. The Budget Process in Oracle will build the FY25 budgets from the COA detail with reporting at the Org level. Due to the projected shortfall in the FY25 budget to cover salary and benefit cost increases, there will be no funding available for any budget allocations (no budget requests). Focus for this year's process will be to learn the process in Oracle Budget.
* Perm Budget Process projections will be for Dept/Org use only. The actual Perm Budget on 6/30/24 will be copied to the 7/1/24 Perm Budget in Oracle Budget Execution.
* The Temp Budget should be the focus this year. Rollover/CFD will not populate till mid-August (likely later since it's our 1st close in Oracle) and so the Temp Budget from the Budget Process will be the Temp Budget on 7/1/24.
Budgeting your carry forward or Temp only funding will be necessary to transact in July/August. This is a net zero adjustment, so when budgeting the rollover, you will create a deficit in BC75 to budget in other BC's. Once the actual rollover gets posted to BC75, it will post against that deficit.
Contracts & Grants
Sponsor Invoicing
EMF is currently working on January month-end billing. Contact EMF if an urgent invoicing situation arises. During this transaction period, documented estimated costs will be evaluated for inclusion. Please communicate with EMF if an award is about to end or has ended and there are expenditures pending. This information is essential for the EMF team as it can affect Final invoicing. If the EMF team does not have this information, and final invoicing has been processed, there is no guarantee that the additional expenditures will be reimbursed.
Unconverted Funds
The unconverted funding represents amounts fully expended and billed in UCRFS that did not convert to Oracle. Occurs when a new amendment, modification, NCE, etc. is processed
* For example, an award totaled $100K in UCRFS with $50K on fund 1 and $50K on fund 2. Fund 1 did not convert to Oracle and Fund 2 did convert. Total budget as of 7/1 in Oracle is $50K. An NCE was processed allocating the $50K from fund 1. The $50K represents unconverted funding.
EMF must ensure Kuali and Oracle are in sync. If a discrepancy exists, please put in a ticket and include all back-up. EMF will review and process a new project code titled UNC and will place the unconverted funding into this project.
Kuali Access Provisioning Clarification
Kuali Research vs Kuali Build Provisioning in the Kuali Build C&G Application is completed in EACS. The Kuali Build C&G application in EACS is only used for roles/permissions and routing of Kuali Build forms associated with C&G activity (e.g., Pre Award Spending Request, Material Transfer Request, PI Eligibility by Exception Request).
Text block at your service. Replace this text with yours. When implementing Kuali Build C&G Application in EACS for go-live, the roles/permissions previously used for the eCAF application were duplicated and applied to this application in an effort to reduce the burden on SAA's. Department SAA's should continue to keep the Kuali Build C&G Application up-to-date in EACS, to enable proper routing of the forms for approval to the appropriate individuals.
Provisioning in Kuali Research
(e.g., access to proposals, awards, subawards) is not completed in the Enterprise Access Control System (EACS), instead access is provisioned in the Kuali Research System.
These configurations are made based upon a Unit Approver Matrix that the CFAOs updated just prior to go-live. Requests for changes to individuals assigned to roles in Kuali Research need to be emailed to kualisupport at ucr.edu<mailto:kualisupport at ucr.edu> with concurrence from the applicable department CFAO.
Coming Soon!
Payment Matrix - T&E vs. PCard Guide!
We're thrilled to announce that our highly anticipated T&E vs. PCard Payment Matrix is undergoing a fantastic update! Get ready for an insightful guide that will be spotlighted in our next newsletter, bringing you all details you need and training resources on our website.
Procure to Pay
Requisition Template Selection
When creating a requisition, selecting the appropriate request form is critical to the successful processing of the order. Be sure to select the correct requisition/PO template:
Non-Catalog Requisition
(<10K or > 10K)
Used for orders that have fixed prices or billing rates.
Non-Catalog Requisition
for Lump Sum
Used when the amount being billed can fluctuate. (Examples: gas or currency exchange rates).
Failure to utilize the appropriate form corresponding to their specific situation will lead to automatic rejection by Oracle. For instance, submitting the <$10K form for an order totaling $15k will result in rejection.
Templates are in the "Requisition Forms" section on the Requisitions page within Oracle Financials, indicated in yellow.
Requesting Reimbursement/Refund-Only Suppliers
A new process is available starting, March 12th to request one-time reimbursement/refund-only suppliers. As part of this new process, suppliers/payees will submit a new supplier registration request to register payees expecting "reimbursements/refund only". These are non-purchase order suppliers and should not be used for stipends, human subject payment, honorariums, or payments from Purchase Order. These records are expected to be for one-time use and will be inactivated 90 days after they are marked "spend authorized." More information is available within the announcement (link).<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D6659B&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>
Supplier Registration
Reminder - Non-PO Suppliers cannot be changed to a PO Supplier without routing through the Central Procurement Office. Requests to change a supplier from Non-PO to PO after the supplier has been spend authorized, is a manual process that could delay PO creation and payments to suppliers.
PO Suppliers
* Are vetted by the Procurement Office to determine if there are existing suppliers that offer the same goods or services
* Can be selected for PO generation
Non PO Suppliers
* Are used for Concur and ePay payment requests
* Do not route to Procurement
* Cannot be used to generate a PO
This selection is made when requesting a supplier in Oracle Financials. After entering the Supplier/Payee name and selecting the Procurement Business Unit, then the Request Reason is selected. This is where you indicate what type of supplier the entity/person is intended to be.
Supplier Report
Wondering where a supplier is in the registration process? No need to submit a ticket or call the Concierge, instead the Prospective Supplier/Payee Status Summary report can be run within Oracle Financials to see the status of the supplier request. The report is designed to be run on an ad hoc basis, generating real-time data for immediate insights and analysis.
Known Issues Tracker...
Available on Impact23 Website
As a reminder, known issues are posted on the Impact23 website (link<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D6659C&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>). Keep an eye on this page to have the latest news on arising issues and their resolutions. The page is structured by impacted area, description with a link to more details, status, creation date and PI impact for all active known issues; search and filter features are available within this section.
The bottom of the page shows past issues which have been resolved with additional guidance or just closed.
Recent Update and Change Highlights
* Procurement & Accounts Payable delays caused by repeated approval requests for the same requisition issue was resolved on 2/19/2024 (more details<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D6659D&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>)
* New functionality was implemented on 2/27/2024 for Concur/ePay to resolve an issue where suppliers were not appearing/marked inactivated (more details<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D6659E&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>)
* PCard Statement Duplication Update: If you come across Concur populating two different reports for PCard on the same statement, the guidance is to hold and refrain from taking any immediate action. (more details)<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D6659F&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>
Updated Webpage
Training Resources Repository
Training Resources section was added to the bottom of the Training page on the Impact23 website (link<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D665A0&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>). The Oracle Financial and Oracle Budget resources will also continue to be posted within the Oracle Guided Learning widget in the application.
The Training Resources section on the website can be filtered and searched. It also has a key for various types of resources such as Quick Reference Guides (QRG), Oracle Guided Learning guides (OGL), Microlearning Videos/Demos (MLV), and Slide Decks (SD).
In Case You Missed It...
PowerPoint Presentation - Click Here!<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D665A2&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>
Watch the February User Group! Highlights include:
* January 2024 Monthly Close
* Boundary System Updates
* Key Known Issues Review
* New Budget Process
* Sponsor Invoicing for Contract and Grants
* Unconverted Contract and Grant Funds
* Provisioning for Kuali Research and Kuali Build
* T&E Card Use for Travel
* T&E Card Use for Business Meeting & Events
* Supplier Registration
* Requisition and Purchase Order Reminders
March User group
The next User Group is scheduled for
March 20th, from 10-11am (link<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D665A3&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>).
April Town Hall
Our next Town Hall will take place on
April 30th, from 10:30-11:30am (link<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D665A4&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1>).
(ERP, OFC), Oracle Budget (EPM), Concur Travel & Expense (Concur), Kuali (Research, Build, Sponsored Programs), Financial Boundary Systems, and Financial Reporting
Our goal is to deliver timely information that matters to you.
Visit Our Website<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D665A5&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1> | Read Archived Newsletters<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=10D665A6&e=17BFBFA&c=158834&t=0&l=EF413A31&email=tC%2FtmgzglglGCh4FVsC9nC6MM298MX%2F7&seq=1> | Contact Us<mailto:impact23 at ucr.edu>
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