[Msoadm] FW: Do Not Submit Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and/or PO Change Requests

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Fri Mar 15 10:41:26 PDT 2024

Please share with relevant staff in your areas.


From: Asirra Suguitan
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 10:40 AM
To: oraclefinancials-depttransactors-request at lists.ucr.edu; oraclefinancials-ptpapprovers-request at lists.ucr.edu; oraclefinancials-purchasingdept at lists.ucr.edu
Subject: Do Not Submit Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and/or PO Change Requests

Dear Colleagues,

This message is to inform you about a critical issue that has arisen with our tax calculation engine for Oracle Procurement and Payables, ONESOURCE, since Friday, March 15th, at 9:00 AM PST.

This issue is currently preventing users from successfully submitting Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and PO Change Requests. To mitigate any further complications, users are to refrain from processing Requisitions, Purchase Orders, and/or PO Change Requests until further notice.

The root cause of this problem lies in ONESOURCE experiencing system degradation issues, which are directly impacting both Oracle Procurement and AP modules. Rest assured, our dedicated team is actively monitoring the status and working diligently to resolve this matter.

As of now, we anticipate that the issue will be resolved today before the end of the day (EOD). We will keep you updated on the progress and provide further instructions once ONESOURCE is fully operational again. Your cooperation and understanding during this challenging time are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Asirra Suguitan
Impact23 Functional Lead and Campus Controller

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