[Msoadm] Impact23 Insider News

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Wed May 1 09:44:32 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The Impact23 Insider News provides essential updates and activities related to the financial system replacement program. Please take a few minutes to read the Impact23 Insider News – May 2024<https://clt1411124.bmeurl.co/11070B0D> edition and share it with your departmental teams as appropriate.

For any inquiries related to the Impact23 program email Impact23 at ucr.edu<mailto:impact23 at ucr.edu>.

Asirra Suguitan
Impact23 Functional Lead and Campus Controller
May 2024 | First Edition


May 2024 | First Edition
Impact23 Updates
Greetings from the Impact23 Insider News! This edition brings together insights from our User Group meetings, Office Hours, and other significant developments. Our commitment to keeping you informed continues with periodic dispatches. For those who missed our previous editions, they are readily available on the Impact23 website under the 'Stay Connected' section. Your ongoing interaction with us is highly valued. Thank you for being a part of our community. More Information link.<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BB5&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>


Monthly Close for March

Wrapping up another successful month, the ledgers for March 2024 have now been officially closed. The diligent work behind the scenes has resulted in the compilation of the corresponding Financial Transaction Detail Reports (FTDR) and Prime PI Summary reports for this period. These reports are now readily accessible in the ‘Financial Web Reports<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BB6&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>’ section in the Tools area of RSpace.

Announcing the finalized FY2024 campus closing schedule!
This marks the inaugural fiscal closing with Oracle systems, the new Chart of Accounts, and other Impact23 related systems. The attached document provides a detailed breakdown of departmental tasks and deadlines. It’s essential to review this information, disseminate it among your team members involved in fiscal closing activities, and plan accordingly. As they become available, all closing materials will be published on the Business & Financial Services website under the General Accounting Resource section: https://accounting.ucr.edu/fiscal-year-end-closing<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BB7&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> Stay informed and prepared for the closing activities!



Re-Distribution of Kuali Award Notifications

Between November 2023 and February 2024, some Campus Award Notices (CANs) were not received by their intended recipients due to an email security block.

A fix has been implemented, and to ensure everyone is up to date, all CANs sent during the affected period are being manually re-sent. This process involves the re-distribution of 440 award versions and is expected to be completed throughout April. These re-sent notifications will be clearly marked as “DUPLICATE” to avoid any confusion.

More Information link.<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BB8&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>

Kuali Research vs. Kuali Build: Streamlining Roles and Permissions

In the Kuali Build C&G Application within EACS, we focus on roles, permissions, and form routing for C&G activities. Specifically, this application handles forms like Pre-Award Spending Requests, Material Transfer Requests, and PI Eligibility by Exception Requests. As we transition to the Kuali Build C&G Application for go-live, we’ve duplicated the roles and permissions previously used in the eCAF application. This step aims to ease the burden on SAA’s. Moving forward, it’s crucial for department SAA’s to keep the Kuali Build C&G Application up to date in EACS to ensure proper form approval routing to the appropriate individuals.

Provisioning in Kuali Research

When it comes to accessing proposals, awards, and subawards, Kuali Research takes the lead. Unlike the Enterprise Access Control System (EACS), which doesn’t handle these tasks, Kuali Research is where you’ll find the action.

How does it work? Well, our trusty Unit Approver Matrix, recently updated by the CFAOs, guides the configurations. If you need changes for individuals assigned to roles in Kuali Research, just send an email to kualisupport at ucr.edu<mailto:kualisupport at ucr.edu>. And remember, it’s always good to have concurrence from the relevant department CFAO.



T&E vs. PCard Exciting updates are on the horizon for the T&E vs. PCard Payment Matrix! This much-anticipated tool is receiving a significant upgrade. The new version will provide all the essential details needed, along with valuable training resources available online.  More Information link.<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BB9&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>

The T&E Card covers pre-approved travel costs like airfare, lodging, and even Wi-Fi for business. Meals on travel status are also included! For events under UCOP policy Bus-79, the T&E card can cover business meals and entertainment. But remember, alcohol needs the right funding source and on-campus events need a Risk Management review. Also, the T&E card can’t be used for equipment, decorations, flowers, etc. For big events over $5000 or those needing contracts, it’s better to use a Purchase Order (PO). Contracts for events under $5000 need Procurement Services’ approval.


PCARD Expense Report Enhanced with Details has been updated and now includes the Expense Type value linked with PCARD expense reports. This enhancement provides a more comprehensive view of your expenses.

The Expense Details Report has been upgraded to now incorporate the COA details from the expense report header, providing a more comprehensive overview of your expenses.


Coming Soon May 2024!

“Expense Allocation Details” Report

This report will display all Concur expense reports by month, by department, that are pending, submitted, and/or completed (paid), including distribution and allocation details.

Reimbursement Payments from Concur

Efforts are being made to resolve issues where certain transactions fail to process into Oracle as expected. Key enhancements include:

  *   Updating COA Project dates to expenditure dates where possible for accurate expense recording within the award period.
  *   Introducing a new, transparent process for PCard Use Tax accrual postings to improve usability and reliability.

  *   Better synchronization of Concur profiles and Oracle Supplier records, payments can proceed seamlessly, and supplier issues are more transparent to users.
  *   Improving COA validations in Concur to streamline posting and payment in Oracle.

Please refer to the guidance provided in the Known Issue Information Link<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BBA&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>


Just a note to keep in mind when creating a requisition. It’s crucial to select the right request form for successful order processing. Here are the requisition/PO templates to consider:

<10K or > 10K

Non-Catalog Requisition
Ideal for those orders with fixed prices or the billing rates.
Lump Sum
Non-Catalog Requisition
Best used when billing amount can vary (gas, currency exchange rates).

Remember, not using the right form for the situation can lead to automatic rejection by Oracle. For example, using the <$10K form for a $15k order will be rejected. Find these templates in the “Requisition Forms” section on the Requisitions page within Oracle Financials, highlighted in yellow.



Manual Exceptional Non-Payroll Cost Transfer Form

Now available on Accounting’s website under: Forms & Resources/General Accounting, Plant & Equipment/COA Cost Transfer Form and Guidelines. Please refer to the “Guidelines and Instructions” tab for detailed instructions on completing the form, backup and approvals needed, and how to submit it to Accounting.

A few issues have been identified in the NCT tool that can affect processing of NCTs.

  *   Some users are receiving an error when trying to resubmit a request that was previously rejected by the approver. The error message references "another request(s) in the system", which prevents resubmitting the request.
  *   After trying to submit a request, some users see a message showing the transfer amount with more than two decimals, resulting in an error and failure to submit.
  *   In some requests, attachments are not visible to the Approver, even when saved and attached by the Transactor. Please review the Known Issues Tracker for updates on these items.


As the fiscal year ends, it’s vital to budget every flex field, particularly within BC75, and resolve any deficits. Carry forward in Oracle Budget is different. It consolidates the sum of all BCs (excluding BC35 and BC36) into BC75. On July 1, rollover balances will appear in BC35, BC36, and BC75. The Budget Process allows budgeting the estimated rollover into other BCs by creating an offset in BC75.

Analysts only need to clear the deficit balance at BC35 and BC36 levels if the balance of all other BCs in a COA is zero or positive. The system will automatically clear all BCs on July 1, except for BC35 and BC36. Any deficits in these BCs need to be cleared up before June 30, 2024.



Visit our Impact23 website Known Issues Tracker to keep up with ongoing and resolved issues to stay informed.

More information link.<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BBB&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>

Resolved Issues and Expected Resolutions!

Concur PCard – PCard Statement Duplication:

Resolved on April 8, conquer is indicating that users can begin submitting PCard Statements Expense Reports, even if multiple statements exist for a given statement, as long as TRANSACTIONS in each statement are not duplicate. If you find duplicate transactions, do not proceed, submit a ticket for review. More Information link.<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BBC&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>

Concur & ePay: Faculty with a primary appointment less than 50% and/or where UCR is not their primary location may not have an Employee Supplier record and/or cannot receive electronic payments. Expected Resolution: April 30, 2024. More Information link.<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BBD&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>

Oracle Procurement: Document Details Page Linked from Approval Notification Shows No Information. When you navigate to a purchase order from an approval notification, the document details page shows no information. Oracle has identified this as a bug that is expected to be resolved in a future patch/update.

Workaround - Review the purchase order PDF attached to the approval notification for purchase order details. To view it online, you can navigate to the purchasing document in the Purchasing application. Expected resolution: April 2024.


UG Meeting Postponed

The User Group Meeting originally scheduled for April 30th has been postponed to May 14th.

Impact23 Office Hours Paused

Office Hours will be paused for the next two weeks, from April 29th to May 10th. Regular schedule will resume on May 13th. Calendar Link.<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BBE&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>

In Case You Missed It...


PowerPoint Presentation - Click Here! <https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BC0&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1>
Watch the March User Group! Highlights include:

  *   February Monthly Close
  *   Boundary Systems
  *   Known Issues Review
  *   FP&A Updates
  *   Contracts & Grant

  *   Procure to PayManual
  *   Manual Non-Payroll Cost Transfers (NCTs)
  *   Training & Support
  *   Question & Answer

(ERP, OFC), Oracle Budget (EPM), Concur Travel & Expense (Concur), Kuali (Research, Build, Sponsored Programs), Financial Boundary Systems, and Financial Reporting

Our goal is to deliver timely information that matters to you.

Visit Our Website<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BC1&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> | Read Archived Newsletters<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/l?u=11070BC2&e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D&seq=1> | Contact Us<mailto:impact23 at ucr.edu>

View this email in your browser<https://clt1411124.benchurl.com/c/v?e=17FD7AA&c=158834&t=0&l=F7B69A24&email=brfZJt02u6nxAaSPLVE6Rw%3D%3D>

900 University Ave., Riverside, CA , 92521


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